rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails
lamian 1.11.0
Add logs to your error messages, using exception_notifier or smth like it
313,632 下载
dorsale 4.0.0
Run your own business.
310,413 下载
introjs-rails 1.0.0
A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website...
310,333 下载
renalware-core 2.1.1
Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...
307,152 下载
stimpack 0.8.3
stimpack establishes and implements a set of conventions for splitting up large monoliths.
306,526 下载
papercrop 0.3.0
An easy extension for Paperclip to crop your image uploads using jCrop
306,000 下载
mas-rad_core 0.1.5
Models and logic for the RAD family of products.
304,280 下载
blocks 4.0.1
Blocks gives you total control over how your blocks of code render.
302,889 下载
attached 1.0.7
Attached is a Ruby on Rails cloud attachment and processor library inspired by Papercli...
302,603 下载
email_prefixer 1.2.0
Add standard email prefix to all outgoing emails
302,519 下载
zero-rails_openapi 2.2.0
Concise DSL for generating OpenAPI Specification 3 (OAS3) JSON documentation for Rails ...
302,474 下载
enju_biblio 0.3.18
Bibliographic record module for Next-L Enju
301,484 下载
pp_sql 2.1.0
Helps to save your eyes, when reading hardcore SQL requests in console
300,285 下载
active_storage-postgresql 0.3.1
PostgreSQL Adapter for Active Storage
300,009 下载
sql-logging 3.0.11
Adds SQL analysis and debugging info to Rails applications.
296,682 下载
kuhsaft 2.6.3
Kuhsaft is a Rails engine that offers a simple CMS.
296,582 下载
qtip2-jquery-rails 2.2.100
Provides the `qTip2` jQuery plugin packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
296,521 下载
the_sortable_tree 2.7.0
Drag&Drop GUI for awesom_nested_set. Render Tree Helper. Very fast! Ready for Rails 4
295,876 下载
bullet_train-routes 1.0.0
Black magic for defining model-driven routes.
295,652 下载
ruby_rabbitmq_janus 4.0.1
This gem is used to communicate to a server Janus through RabbitMQ software (Message-...
295,486 下载
smt_rails 0.3.0
Shared mustache templates for rails 3
295,180 下载
mumuki-laboratory 9.23.0
Where students practice and receive automated and human feedback.
293,688 下载
page_title_helper 9.1.0
Simple, internationalized and DRY page titles and headings for Rails.
293,622 下载
apiotics 0.2.30
293,578 下载
hobo_support 2.2.6
Core Ruby extensions from the Hobo project
292,394 下载
lit 1.1.6
Translate your apps with pleasure (sort of...) and for free. It's si...
292,189 下载
newrelic_api 1.2.4
Use this gem to access New Relic application information via a REST api
291,947 下载
an engine to abstract common html/css elements across Heroku properties
291,601 下载
activeadmin-cancan 0.1.4
Provides CanCan roles to ActiveAdmin
290,553 下载
active_storage_svg_sanitizer 0.1.0
Sanitize SVG images after ActiveStorage upload
288,882 下载