rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails
analytical 3.0.12
Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
360,992 下载
pg_ha_migrations 1.8.0
Enforces DDL/migration safety in Ruby on Rails project with an emphasis on explicitly c...
360,199 下载
kubernetes-health 3.14.0
This gem allows kubernetes monitoring your app while it is running migrates and after i...
359,042 下载
paul_bunyan 2.1.0
Extensions and enhancements to Ruby's built in Logger class. Extensions include: multip...
358,885 下载
bullet_train-scope_validator 1.19.0
Protect `belongs_to` attributes from ID stuffing.
356,873 下载
activeadmin-selleo-cms 0.0.61
ActiveAdmin CMS extension
356,484 下载
decidim-core 0.29.2
Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.
356,431 下载
stackable_flash 0.1.1
Allows flashes to stack intelligently, while preserving existing behavior of the Rails ...
356,023 下载
bullet_train-outgoing_webhooks 1.19.0
Allow users of your Rails application to subscribe and receive webhooks when activity t...
355,288 下载
bullet_train-has_uuid 1.19.0
Bullet Train Has UUID
354,988 下载
plutus 0.17
The plutus plugin provides a complete double entry accounting system for use in any Rub...
354,960 下载
piwik_analytics 1.0.2
The piwik_analytics gem provides an easy way to include Piwik into your application. ...
353,301 下载
bullet_train-super_load_and_authorize_resource 1.19.0
Bullet Train Super Load And Authorize Resource
352,419 下载
test-unit-rails 7.0.2
Rails supports Minitest but doesn't support test-unit.
352,076 下载
hydra-editor 7.0.0
A basic metadata editor for hydra-head
351,613 下载
rocket_cms 0.37.2
350,788 下载
qa 5.14.0
Provides a set of uniform RESTful routes to query any controlled vocabulary or set of a...
350,644 下载
qa 5.14.0
Provides a set of uniform RESTful routes to query any controlled vocabulary or set of a...
350,644 下载
bullet_train-integrations-stripe 1.19.0
Example Stripe platform integration for Bullet Train applications.
349,528 下载
ddr-models 3.0.8
Models used in the Duke Digital Repository
349,475 下载
paloma 6.1.0
Page-specific javascript for Rails done right
349,099 下载
jsonapi-resources-matchers 1.0.0
Spec matchers for jsonapi-resources
348,256 下载
bullet_train-incoming_webhooks 1.19.0
Bullet Train Incoming Webhooks
346,054 下载
bullet_train-obfuscates_id 1.19.0
Bullet Train Obfuscates ID
345,171 下载
bullet_train-sortable 1.19.0
Bullet Train Sortable
345,105 下载
344,645 下载
ama_layout 11.5.1
.ama.ab.ca site layouts
343,448 下载
bullet_train-scope_questions 1.15.0
Bullet Train Scope Questions
342,934 下载
trusty-cms 7.0.22
TrustyCms is a simple and powerful publishing system designed for small teams. It is bu...
342,765 下载
bullet_train-integrations 1.19.0
Bullet Train Integrations
342,538 下载