rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails
paperclip-ffmpeg 1.2.0
Process your attachments with FFMPEG
393,580 下载
gc_stats 1.0.1
gc_stats is a Ruby gem for Rails applications that collects and logs garbage collection...
393,339 下载
beanstalkd_view 2.0.0
A Sinatra app to view/manage beanstalkd queues that can be embedded in a Rails app simi...
392,912 下载
comfy_bootstrap_form 4.0.9
bootstrap_form is a Rails form builder that automatically wraps form elements in Bootst...
390,910 下载
rails-flog 1.6.1
This formats parameters and sql in rails log.
390,560 下载
i18n_country_select 1.2.1
A simple country code select helper that works with I18n translations.
387,932 下载
To be used for sharing standard assets between the multiple modules of a platform
385,809 下载
rails_admin_history_rollback 1.0.3
Enables users to rollback to any history version recorded by paper_trail. Versions are ...
385,019 下载
bullet_train-themes-light 1.19.0
Bullet Train Themes: Light
384,800 下载
mini_backtrace 0.1.3
MiniBacktrace allows you to take advantage of the Rails.backtrace_cleaner when using Mi...
384,019 下载
rails-data-migrations 1.3.0
Run your data migration tasks in a db:migrate-like manner
383,871 下载
coalescing_panda 5.3.0
Canvas LTI and OAUTH2 mountable engine
382,899 下载
rails_cookie_overflow 1.0.1
Rails raises a CookieOverflow exception when the total size of the incoming request's ...
382,893 下载
factory_bot-preload 0.3.1
Preload factories (Factory Bot) just like fixtures. It will be easier and, probably, fa...
381,068 下载
katello 4.16.0
Katello adds Content and Subscription Management to Foreman. For this it relies on Cand...
380,130 下载
TinyMCE plugin for taking image uploads in Rails >= 3.1
378,114 下载
fastly-rails 0.8.0
Creates surrogate keys on ActiveRecord models, sets cache/surrogate headers, and adds a...
376,855 下载
scrivito_sdk 1.18.0
Scrivito is a SaaS Content Management Service, built for digital agencies and medium to...
376,250 下载
bullet_train-themes 1.19.0
Bullet Train Themes
373,130 下载
bullet_train-api 1.19.0
API capabilities for apps built with Bullet Train framework
372,954 下载
bullet_train-fields 1.19.0
Bullet Train Fields
368,762 下载
listjs-rails 1.1.1
List.js automated install for Rails 3.1+
367,418 下载
acts_as_audited 2.1.0
ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table
366,052 下载
bullet_train-roles 1.19.0
Yaml-backed ApplicationHash for CanCan Roles
364,595 下载
openseadragon 1.0.17
OpenSeadragon is a javascript library for displaying tiling images. This gem packages t...
363,439 下载
bullet_train-themes-tailwind_css 1.19.0
Bullet Train Themes Tailwind CSS Base
362,710 下载
dekiru 0.7.0
Usefull helper methods for Ruby on Rails
362,399 下载
hydra-derivatives 4.0.0
Derivative generation plugin for hydra
362,396 下载
wiselinks 1.2.1
Wiselinks makes following links and submitting some forms in your web application smart...
361,543 下载
engine_cart 2.6.0
Helper for testing Rails Engines sanely
361,480 下载