RubyGems Navigation menu

rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails

simpacker 1.3.0

Integrate modern JavaScript build system with Rails.

427,987 下载

social_stream-base 2.2.2

Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...

425,873 下载


Lalala: Probably the best CMS in the world

425,382 下载

sprig 0.3.1

Sprig is a library for managing interconnected, environment-specific seed data.

425,026 下载

sparkpost_rails 1.5.5

Delivery Method for Rails ActionMailer to send emails using the SparkPost API

423,483 下载

buttercms-rails 1.2.4

Butter is a headless CMS loved by engineers. See for details.

422,082 下载

react-bootstrap-rails 0.30.2

ReactBootstrap for Rails Asset Pipeline

421,426 下载

geokit-rails3 0.1.5

Port of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Rails 3, as a gem

419,961 下载

acl9 3.2.0

Role-based authorization system for Rails with a concise DSL for securing your Rails ap...

418,105 下载

sprockets-redirect 1.0.0

Rack middleware which will look up your assets manifest file and redirect a request...

417,546 下载

bootstrap-glyphicons 0.0.1

bootstrap glyphicons scss

415,506 下载

blacklight-gallery 4.8.4

Gallery display for Blacklight

415,305 下载

nice_partials 0.10.1

A little bit of magic to make partials perfect for components.

414,392 下载

wepay-rails 2.6.0

Rails gem that interfaces with the WePay API

410,542 下载

attachinary 1.3.1

Attachments handler for Rails that uses Cloudinary for storage.

410,424 下载

catarse_pagarme 3.0.1 engine for catarse

406,670 下载

govuk_content_models 47.0.0

Shared models for Panopticon and Publisher

402,581 下载

activeadmin-ajax_filter 0.7.0

Allows to define form inputs and filters by relation for ActiveAdmin resource pages usi...

401,641 下载

browse-everything 1.5.0

AJAX/Rails engine file browser for cloud storage services

401,476 下载

copy_tuner_client 0.20.0

Client for the CopyTuner copy management service

401,476 下载

bullet_train-super_scaffolding 1.19.0

Bullet Train Super Scaffolding

401,420 下载

woople-theme 0.10.0

All Front-End all the Time

400,777 下载

active_metadata 0.8.9

Pulled out of a bigger codebase. Still not ready to be easily reused!

399,422 下载

setler 0.0.14

Setler is a Gem that lets one easily implement the "Feature Flags" pattern, or add sett...

397,646 下载

new_google_recaptcha 1.4.0

Google reCAPTCHA v3 + Rails (integration)

397,499 下载

sweet-alert-confirm 0.5.0

A Rails confirm replacement with SweetAlert

397,244 下载

country_state_select 3.2.0

Country State Select is a Ruby Gem that aims to make Country and State/Province selecti...

396,160 下载

canard 0.4.3

Wraps CanCan and RoleModel up to make role based authorisation really easy in Rails 3.x.

395,983 下载

smart_listing 1.2.3

Ruby on Rails data listing gem with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing.

393,703 下载

n1_loader 1.7.4

Loader to solve N+1 issue for good.

393,683 下载

下载总量 596,121,182

这个版本 118,009




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.2.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true

使用多因素验证(MFA)发布的版本: true

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.8.11
