rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails
fastclick-rails 1.0.1
gem for fastclick.js
492,995 下载
suspenders 20240516.0
Suspenders is a Rails plugin containing generators for configuring Rails applications. ...
490,622 下载
active_admin_paranoia 1.1.0
This gem extends ActiveAdmin so that batch restore and batch archive actions will be av...
476,855 下载
clean_pagination 1.0.0
API pagination the way RFC2616 intended it
469,476 下载
simple_captcha2 0.5.0
SimpleCaptcha is available to be used with Rails 3 + 4 or above and also it provides th...
468,979 下载
magic_test 0.1.0
Create system tests interactively.
468,277 下载
daddy 0.9.19
Daddy helps me build web applications since daddy knows some good practices.
466,852 下载
fridge 1.0.0
Token validation for distributed resource servers
466,849 下载
graphql_devise 2.0.0
GraphQL queries and mutations on top of devise_token_auth
466,397 下载
commands 0.2.1
Run Rake/Rails commands through the console
462,593 下载
effective_bootstrap 1.19.13
Everything you need to get set up with bootstrap 4.
461,901 下载
caracal-rails 1.0.2
Caracal::Rails takes care of registering Microsoft Word output with Rails. Essentially,...
458,262 下载
valid_url 0.0.4
Provides with the ability to validate url (Rails 4). Allow using http, https and schema...
457,357 下载
mail-notify 2.0.0
Rails plugin, send and preview email with GOV.UK Notify
457,314 下载
gds-sso 19.1.0
Client for GDS' OAuth 2-based SSO
456,666 下载
motor-admin 0.4.36
Motor Admin allows to create a flexible admin panel with writing less code. All customi...
456,463 下载
autosize-rails 1.18.17
Rails asset pipeline wrapper around jQuery Autosize: http://www.jacklmoore.com/autosize/
454,419 下载
swaggard 1.5.1
Generate swagger documentation for your Rails REST API using YARD
452,605 下载
commontator 7.0.1
A Rails engine for comments.
450,706 下载
bullet_train 1.19.0
Bullet Train
450,632 下载
incrdecr_cached_counts 0.7.0
A replacement for Rails' counter caches using memcached increment & decrement operation...
444,958 下载
barista 1.3.0
Barista provides simple, integrated support for CoffeeScript in Rack and Rails applicat...
444,225 下载
dockerfile-rails 1.7.9
Dockerfile generator for Rails
443,621 下载
shortcode 2.0.0
Gem for parsing wordpress style shortcodes
440,250 下载
zip_kit 6.3.2
Stream out ZIP files from Ruby. Successor to zip_tricks.
438,097 下载
cacheable_flash 1.0.0
Allows caching of pages with flash messages by rendering flash messages from a cookie u...
437,828 下载
appstats 0.25.1
Provide usage statistics about how your application is being used
436,743 下载
contour 3.0.1
Basic Rails Framework files and assets for layout and authentication
433,883 下载
thor-rails 0.0.1
Extensions to Thor for working within Rails environments
432,731 下载
saucy 0.16.1
Clearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and...
431,245 下载