rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails
es5-shim-rails 4.0.1
Asset gem for es5-shim
561,923 下载
Description of IshManager.
559,733 下载
rapporteur 3.8.0
An engine that provides common status polling endpoint.
559,317 下载
pdfjs_viewer-rails 0.3.2
Packages the viewer distributed with PDF.js and makes it available in two styles (full,...
558,259 下载
jquery-easing-rails 0.0.2
Jquery easing plugin for Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
554,898 下载
load_data_infile2 0.2.4
This gem provides MySQL's LOAD DATA INFILE for Mysql2 and ActiveRecord
552,774 下载
imgproxy 3.0.0
A gem that easily generates imgproxy URLs for your images
551,389 下载
Super customized checkboxes and radio buttons with jquery & zepto
544,495 下载
status-page 0.1.5
Health monitoring Rails plug-in, which checks various services (db, cache, sidekiq, red...
541,030 下载
haml_assets 0.3.0
Use Haml with Rails helpers in the asset pipeline
537,065 下载
govuk_app_config 9.16.5
Base configuration for GOV.UK applications
536,572 下载
wice_grid 7.1.4
A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...
525,233 下载
rails_weak_etags 0.0.2
Converts strong e-tags to weak so they can be passed through nginx with g-zip compressi...
525,168 下载
lhs 26.2.0
LHS ia a Rails-Gem, providing an ActiveRecord like interface to access HTTP-JSON-Servic...
524,856 下载
komachi_heartbeat 2.5.0
Alive Monitoring of Application Server and DB Server.
524,828 下载
job_notifier 3.0.0
Rails engine built on top on Active Job gem to persist job results and notify job statu...
521,587 下载
devise_lastseenable 0.0.6
This ensures that devise will update a last_seen flag on the model whenever you check i...
520,522 下载
heroicon 1.0.0
Ruby on Rails view helpers for the beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, Heroicons.
519,169 下载
message_block 2.0.3
Implements the common view pattern by which a list of messages are shown at the top, of...
518,704 下载
js_assets 0.1.2
Provide asset_path helper in javascript
516,670 下载
mickey_goldmill 0.1.41
This is a gem that includes generators to add a jenkins setup to a rails project
513,431 下载
ibm_db 5.5.1
Rails Driver and Adapter for IBM Data Servers: {DB2 on Linux/Unix/Windows, DB2 on zOS, ...
512,659 下载
w3c_rspec_validators 0.3.0
Allows testing vor valid html (including html5) and css. In addition you can configure ...
509,128 下载
devise_cas_authenticatable 2.0.2
CAS authentication module for Devise
505,570 下载
promethee 5.1.1
Bring fire to your page
505,067 下载
effective_orders 6.23.0
Quickly build an online store with carts, orders, automatic email receipts and payment ...
503,620 下载
mdb 0.5.0
A library for reading Microsoft Access databases
499,112 下载
render_parent 0.1.0
Adds Rails "render :parent" helper, which renders template with the same name as curren...
498,140 下载
alphabetical_paginate 2.3.4
Alphabetical Pagination
496,085 下载
crono 2.1.0
A time-based background job scheduler daemon (just like Cron) for Rails
493,669 下载