Dépendances inversées pour rails Latest version of the following gems require rails
noticed 2.6.0
Database, browser, realtime ActionCable, Email, SMS, Slack notifications, and more for ...
3 124 592 Téléchargements
jsonapi-rails 0.4.1
Efficient, convenient, non-intrusive JSONAPI framework for Rails.
2 977 005 Téléchargements
grape_on_rails_routes 0.3.2
View routes for all Grape API's mounted on Rails
2 955 433 Téléchargements
i18n-country-translations 1.4.1
The purpose of this gem is to simply provide country translations. The gem is intended ...
2 944 116 Téléchargements
librato-rails 2.1.0
Report key app statistics to the Librato Metrics service and easily track your own cust...
2 882 405 Téléchargements
yaml_db 0.7.0
YamlDb is a database-independent format for dumping and restoring data. It complements...
2 803 618 Téléchargements
caboose-cms 1.0.2
CMS built on rails with love.
2 768 047 Téléchargements
codemirror-rails 5.16.0
This gem provides CodeMirror assets for your Rails application.
2 759 189 Téléchargements
erd 0.8.2
erd engine on Rails
2 751 539 Téléchargements
packs-rails 0.0.5
packs-rails establishes and implements a set of conventions for splitting up large mono...
2 661 081 Téléchargements
solidus_support 0.14.1
Common runtime helpers for Solidus extensions.
2 601 571 Téléchargements
activestorage-validator 0.4.0
ActiveStorage blob validator.
2 569 849 Téléchargements
pickle 0.9.0
Easy model creation and reference in your cucumber features
2 559 288 Téléchargements
requirejs-rails 1.0.1
This gem provides RequireJS support for your Rails 3 application.
2 482 722 Téléchargements
browserify-rails 4.4.0
Browserify + Rails = CommonJS Heaven
2 469 336 Téléchargements
activeadmin-searchable_select 1.8.0
Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.
2 456 763 Téléchargements
ar_lazy_preload 2.1.0
lazy_preload implementation for ActiveRecord models
2 440 337 Téléchargements
mousetrap-rails 1.4.6
Mousetrap is a javascript library for handling keyboard shortcuts in your web applicati...
2 437 881 Téléchargements
mailboxer 0.15.1
A Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...
2 413 315 Téléchargements
autodoc 0.8.0
Auto-generate JSON API documents from your request-specs.
2 411 532 Téléchargements
logging-rails 0.6.0
A Railtie for for integrating the [Logging](https://github.com/TwP/logging) framework i...
2 410 280 Téléchargements
s3_direct_upload 0.1.7
Direct Upload to Amazon S3 With CORS and jquery-file-upload
2 404 436 Téléchargements
mailgun_rails 0.9.0
An adapter for using Mailgun with Rails and Action Mailer
2 387 845 Téléchargements
after_commit_queue 1.3.0
Plugin for running methods on ActiveRecord models after record is committed
2 379 595 Téléchargements
shopify_app 22.5.1
This gem is used to get quickly started with the Shopify API
2 368 923 Téléchargements
forest_liana 9.10.6
Forest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. forest_liana...
2 354 553 Téléchargements
rails-pg-extras 5.6.7
Rails port of Heroku PG Extras. The goal of this project is to provide a powerful insig...
2 342 646 Téléchargements
offsite_payments 3.0.1
Offsite Payments is a simple abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It i...
2 335 547 Téléchargements
kaminari-i18n 0.5.0
Translations for the kaminari gem
2 255 128 Téléchargements
fix-db-schema-conflicts 3.1.1
Ensures consistent output of db/schema.rb despite local differences in the database
2 240 056 Téléchargements