rack 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rack
apollo-federation 3.10.0
A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation
3,899,897 下載
rack-dev-mark 0.8.0
Differentiate development environment from production
3,775,448 下載
ros-apartment 3.2.0
Apartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord
3,696,091 下載
skylight-core 4.3.2
The core methods of the Skylight profiler.
3,645,462 下載
bot_framework 0.1.0
Unofficial ruby client for microsoft botframework
3,603,279 下載
sidekiq-statistic 1.4.0
See statistic about your workers (GSoC project)
3,595,719 下載
browsermob-proxy 0.3.1
Ruby client for the BrowserMob and BrowserUp Proxy REST API
3,417,968 下載
anycable-core 1.5.2
AnyCable core RPC implementation not depenending on a particular server type (e.g., gRP...
3,366,667 下載
gitlab-puma_worker_killer 0.1.1.gitlab.1
Kills pumas, the code kind
3,314,065 下載
rack-reverse-proxy 0.12.0
A Rack based reverse proxy for basic needs. Useful for testing or in cases where webser...
3,310,507 下載
rack-user_agent 0.5.3
Rack::Request extension for handling User-Agent.
3,220,894 下載
jsonapi.rb 2.1.1
JSON:API serialization, error handling, filtering and pagination.
3,110,199 下載
json-ld 3.3.2
JSON::LD parses and serializes JSON-LD into RDF and implements expansion, compaction an...
2,864,736 下載
rack-throttle 0.7.1
Rack middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
2,697,762 下載
rack_csrf 2.7.0
Anti-CSRF Rack middleware
2,608,920 下載
mailjet 1.8.0
Ruby wrapper for Mailjet's v3 API
2,584,057 下載
pickle 0.9.0
Easy model creation and reference in your cucumber features
2,558,746 下載
rack-mobile-detect 0.4.0
Rack::MobileDetect detects mobile devices and adds an X_MOBILE_DEVICE header to the...
2,483,388 下載
sham_rack 1.4.1
ShamRack plumbs Net::HTTP directly into Rack, for quick and easy HTTP testing.
2,465,770 下載
raygun4ruby 4.0.2
Ruby Adapter for Raygun
2,183,157 下載
zipkin-tracer 0.48.0
Adds tracing instrumentation for ruby applications
2,156,990 下載
lita 4.8.0
ChatOps for Ruby.
2,147,720 下載
flipper-api 1.3.4
Feature flag API for the Flipper gem
2,111,323 下載
cf-uaac 4.28.0
Client command line tools for interacting with the CloudFoundry User Account and Author...
2,098,608 下載
message_bus 4.3.9
A message bus for rack
2,065,034 下載
rack-health 0.1.2
Rack::Health is a health check interface for rack applications.
2,008,275 下載
app_profiler 0.3.0
Collect performance profiles for your Rails application.
2,006,848 下載
webmock-twirp 0.6.0
Twirp support for WebMock
1,811,058 下載
gds-api-adapters 98.3.0
A set of adapters providing easy access to the GDS GOV.UK APIs
1,772,581 下載
rack-host-redirect 1.3.0
Lean and simple host redirection via Rack middleware
1,741,931 下載