rabl 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rabl
travis-core 0.0.1
4,532 下载
cadinsor 0.1.0
Cadinsor provides OAuth like authentication to validate requests from your client apps ...
4,178 下载
rabl_to_jbuilder 0.2.0
Converts rabl templates to jbuilder
3,985 下载
axel 0.0.1
Building blocks and general helpers for platform services
3,778 下载
sapna_gale_test_api 1.0.0
REST API for the Sapna gale test e-commerce framework.
3,746 下载
jasper-api 0.0.8
Required dependency for Jasper (Video Management System).
3,679 下载
sedge_cms 0.0.1
A CMS Engine for Rails.
3,177 下载
dup_spree_core 1.3.0.rc1
Required dependency for Spree
2,547 下载
solidus_slider 1.0
Adds a slider to the homepage
2,287 下载
affectiva-surveyor 1.5.0.pre.disco.2
A rails (gem) plugin to enable surveys in your application
2,208 下载
translation_cms 0.1.5
Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)
2,163 下载
upgrade_surveyor 1.4.2
A rails (gem) plugin to enable surveys in your application
1,958 下载
refinerycms-api 1.0.0.beta
Refinery CMS's API
1,846 下载
harpiya_api 4.3.0.alpha
Harpiya's API
1,560 下载
breeze_cms 1.0.2
Breeze integrates a content editor into the rails workflow and le...
1,321 下载