RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para puma La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren puma

solid_queue 1.1.3

Database-backed Active Job backend.

2.459.049 Descargas

activeadmin-searchable_select 1.8.0

Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.

2.449.573 Descargas

lita 4.8.0

ChatOps for Ruby.

2.147.726 Descargas

capybara-select-2 0.5.1

Capybara helpers for select box (supports Select2 versions 2/3/4)

2.091.725 Descargas

message_bus 4.3.9

A message bus for rack

2.065.184 Descargas

rails_email_preview 2.2.3

A Rails Engine to preview plain text and html email in your browser

1.952.342 Descargas

capybara-angular 0.3.0

Capybara API that knows how to wait for Angular in end to end specs

1.754.086 Descargas

litecable 0.8.2

Fat-free ActionCable implementation for using with AnyCable (and without Rails)

1.724.470 Descargas

rubrowser 2.11

A ruby interactive dependency graph visualizer

1.494.786 Descargas

rails_sortable 1.6.0

rails_sortable provides easy drag & drop sorting for rails 4 and 5.

1.383.493 Descargas

puma-daemon 0.5.0

In version 5.0 the authors of the popular Ruby web server Puma chose to remove the dae...

1.221.703 Descargas

activeadmin_reorderable 0.3.4

Add drag and drop reordering to ActiveAdmin tables.

1.018.544 Descargas

tolk 6.0.0

Tolk is a web interface for doing i18n translations packaged as an engine for Rails app...

1.009.557 Descargas

alchemy_cms 7.4.1

Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails CMS.

869.492 Descargas

logstash-core 7.5.2

The core components of logstash, the scalable log and event management tool

833.998 Descargas

guard-puma 0.8.1

Restart puma when files change

825.237 Descargas

activity_notification 2.3.3

Integrated user activity notifications for Ruby on Rails. Provides functions to configu...

804.798 Descargas

fake_stripe 0.3.0

An implementation of the Stripe credit card processing service to run during your integ...

775.933 Descargas

hot_tub 1.1.0

Flexible connection pooling for Ruby.

768.569 Descargas

playwright-ruby-client 1.50.1

The Ruby binding of playwright driver 1.50.1

762.574 Descargas

cypress-rails 0.7.1

Helps you write Cypress tests of your Rails app

743.186 Descargas

mission_control-jobs 1.0.2

Operational controls for Active Job

680.758 Descargas

rails_db 2.4.5

Quick way to inspect your Rails database, see content of tables, filter, export them to...

651.992 Descargas

gitlab-exporter 15.2.0

GitLab metrics exporter to use with prometheus

589.038 Descargas

rollout-ui 0.6.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

568.363 Descargas

govuk_app_config 9.16.5

Base configuration for GOV.UK applications

536.031 Descargas

zip_kit 6.3.2

Stream out ZIP files from Ruby. Successor to zip_tricks.

429.821 Descargas


Lalala: Probably the best CMS in the world

425.179 Descargas

enju_circulation 0.3.11

Circulation management for Next-L Enju

423.766 Descargas

browse-everything 1.5.0

AJAX/Rails engine file browser for cloud storage services

401.178 Descargas

Total de descargas 435.576.948

Para esta versión 3.140.196

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
