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pry-stack_explorer 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 pry-stack_explorer

grape_api_signature 0.0.6

Add AWS Signature 4 style authentication to grape API's.

20,764 下载

nose 0.2.0

Schema design for NoSQL applications

19,848 下载

rzo 0.8.0

Rizzo (rzo) is a tool for working with Vagrant and layered Puppet control repos

19,643 下载

locd 0.1.13

Get loc'd out!

19,057 下载

komachi-develop 0.3.0

development Gem set

18,526 下载

rspec_contracts 0.3.0

Use your OpenAPI3 schema to automatically perform contract testing while you write requ...

18,187 下载

chatwork_to 0.0.6

ChatWorkTo can transfer ChatWork messages via notifier.

18,051 下载

icepick 1.3.1

Pry bundled with plugins and helpful configurations.

17,877 下载

bg 0.0.5

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

17,847 下载

imap-filter 0.1.6

imap-filter is a Ruby implementation of an IMAP filtering application. it can handle ...

17,677 下载

resque-serializer 0.2.0

Ensures that only one Resque job with unique arguments is running at a time.

17,656 下载

express-cmd 0.3.21

Generate a express project.

17,165 下载

levtera 0.2.6

The core domain concerns for Vehicles (Makes, Versions, Models, Plates).

17,114 下载

allscripts_api 0.8.0

The allscripts_api gem wraps a set of Allscripts APIs, including ...

16,982 下载

yoda-language-server 0.10.1

Ruby completion engine inspired by jedi

16,810 下载

jazzhands 0.0.4

Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands...

16,556 下载

classnames-rails-view 2.1.0

Make methods similar to Javascript 's classnames available in the rails erb template.

16,510 下载

yard-link_stdlib 0.1.7

A YARD plugin (with a bit of monkey-business) to support referencing modules, classes,...

16,290 下载

amazon_order 0.3.0

Scrape information of amazon orders

16,281 下载

fxruby-enhancement 0.2.3

The fxruby library is an excellent wrapper for the FOX toolkit. However, it reflects th...

16,169 下载

feature_toggle_service 0.4.1

Service for using feature toggles in your ruby code (true/false by a specific key). It ...

15,978 下载

lzo 0.1.0

LZO bindings for all Rubies + LZOP streaming

15,546 下载

traffic_light_controller 0.0.6

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

15,538 下载

grape_session 0.0.3

Adds Rails like session support to grape api

15,525 下载

url_params_manager 0.6.0

Allows SEO Friendly urls for search pages to be built easily. Intended to be used with ...

15,331 下载

new_cfoundry 4.9.4

High-level library for working with the Cloud Foundry API. This is fork from https://gi...

15,000 下载

edsl-pageobject 0.5.4

Page object pattern using EDSL

14,651 下载

old_plaid 2.8.2

Ruby gem wrapper for the OldPlaid API. Read more at the homepage, the wiki, or the plai...

14,268 下载

xcoed 1.0.1

Automate adding Swift PM packages to an Xcode project using a regular `Package.swift` f...

14,193 下载

portunus 0.3.8

Easily encrypt all your sensitive data.

13,796 下载

下载总量 41,052,723

这个版本 15,747,553




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6.0
