Dépendances inversées pour pry-stack_explorer Latest version of the following gems require pry-stack_explorer
goon_model_gen 0.4.3
Generate model source files with datastore in Golang
31 891 Téléchargements
confluence-soap 0.0.10
ruby client for confluence soap API
31 616 Téléchargements
rubyneat 0.5.3
RubyNEAT -- Neural Evolution of Augmenting Topologies for Ruby. By way of an enhanced...
30 782 Téléchargements
semvergen 1.12.0
Interactive semantic version and gem publishing
30 456 Téléchargements
activerecord-redundancy 0.4.1
Quickly make a cache column in ActiveRecord, non painful
30 114 Téléchargements
mvz-ruby-handlebars 0.0.12
Pure Ruby library for Handlebars templates
30 069 Téléchargements
pantograph 0.1.22
A way to automate your apps, forked from Fastlane
30 046 Téléchargements
trogdir_api_client 0.8.0
API consuming models for the Trogdir directory project
29 431 Téléchargements
simple2ch 1.1.0
2ch Japanese BBS simple reader.
28 323 Téléchargements
nylas-legacy 5.18.0
Gem for interacting with the Nylas API v2.
28 280 Téléchargements
pry-test 0.6.6
A small test framework that supports debugging test failures and errors when they happen.
28 179 Téléchargements
delay_queue 1.0.4
A thread safe, Redis backed queue with the ability to delay items from being dequeued
28 099 Téléchargements
protobuffy 4.0.1
Google Protocol Buffers serialization and RPC implementation for Ruby.
27 777 Téléchargements
ark_tweet_nlp 0.3.2
Tags tweets word into multiple cathegories using NLP
27 743 Téléchargements
rubango 0.1.6
Enables easy integration of Totango tracking, with options for different ruby web frame...
27 559 Téléchargements
mixed_gauge 1.2.0
A simple and robust ActiveRecord extension for database sharding. Supports shards manag...
27 289 Téléchargements
image_resizer 0.5.1
Image resizing gem (requires ImageMagick)
26 919 Téléchargements
elastic-backup-2s3 1.0.2
I simply want to be able to control the backup and restoration of the Elasticsearch c...
26 873 Téléchargements
rails-bootstrap-helpers 0.1.0
A Rails plugin that contains helpers for Bootstrap
26 286 Téléchargements
smooster 0.4.3
smooster command line tool writen in ruby.
25 883 Téléchargements
data_modeler 1.0.4
Using machine learning, create generative models based on your data alone. Applications...
25 846 Téléchargements
canmoia 0.3.0
The core domain concerns for Orders (Work Orders and Purchase Orders).
24 006 Téléchargements
te_rex 0.1.2
Simple text processing for small data sets.
23 948 Téléchargements
access_policy 0.0.7
Object oriented authorization for ruby.
23 053 Téléchargements
subdomainbox 0.7.0
use subdomains to prevent XSS from accessing your entire application if it should happe...
22 803 Téléchargements
pryx 0.11.0
pry extension tools!
22 301 Téléchargements
storytime-admin 0.2.5
A simple alternative to Active Admin and Rails Admin
21 635 Téléchargements
buildizer 0.1.1
Packaging tool.
21 449 Téléchargements
oxy 0.1.11
Oxy is a web server for static sites
21 222 Téléchargements
nylas-streaming 4.6.0
Gem for interacting with the Nylas Deltas Streaming API.
21 182 Téléchargements