Dépendances inversées pour pry-stack_explorer Latest version of the following gems require pry-stack_explorer
flydays 0.1.0
Search flights on Southwest.
2 777 Téléchargements
compote 0.2.2
Wrapper for docker-compose with additional features.
2 759 Téléchargements
ranunculus 0.1.1
Another Web crawler running with Amazon SQS and ElastiCache(Redis)
2 733 Téléchargements
dentaku_zevo 3.5.2
Dentaku is a parser and evaluator for mathematical formulas. All credit to Solomon White.
2 703 Téléchargements
fastlane-mercafacil 2.214.0
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
2 649 Téléchargements
loose_leaf 0.0.1
A Rails gem for real-time collaboration using ActionCable
2 641 Téléchargements
ramekin 0.2.6
A tool for making SMW music with AddmusicK
2 606 Téléchargements
very_good 0.1.0
VeryGood gives you a nice API so you can set what letters should be where/what colour A...
2 597 Téléchargements
archive_migration 0.1.0
To archive migration files to another folder
2 520 Téléchargements
nylas-shipmnts 3.0.0
Gem for interacting with the Nylas API.
2 513 Téléchargements
sb-ble 0.5.0
This supports LE Advertising
2 476 Téléchargements
salesforce_bulk_query-edge 0.2.1
A library for downloading data from Salesforce Bulk API. We only focus on querying, oth...
2 443 Téléchargements
camaleon_cms_rails6 2.5.0
Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...
2 356 Téléchargements
rubyneat_rabbitmq 0.0.1.notreadyforuse.0
To allow RubyNEAT to extend the phenotypes and evaluations in a distributed and langu...
2 291 Téléchargements
json_to_graphql 0.1.0
This is an even longer description of how this gem converts JSO...
2 234 Téléchargements
hounds-core 0.0.1
Hounds templating and instanciation
2 218 Téléchargements
simple_benchmarks 0.1.0.alpha
Metrics and Benchmarks of your app.
2 202 Téléchargements
to_arel 0.1.0
Covert SQL back to an AST so you can modifications to the AST.
2 197 Téléchargements
skeletron 0.1.0
Library for building use-case-driven Ruby applications.
2 187 Téléchargements
kandr-pry-plus 1.1.0
pry-doc + pry-docmore + pry-byebug + pry-stack_explorer + pry-rescue + bond
2 179 Téléchargements
railway_operation 0.1.0
This gem allows you to declare an execution tree for executing a series of methods and ...
2 136 Téléchargements
fluentd-plugin-kinesis-intuit 2.1.1
Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.
2 125 Téléchargements
graphql-pundit-387 0.7.1
Pundit authorization support for graphql
2 076 Téléchargements
dyph 0.6.0
A library of useful diffing algorithms for Ruby
2 019 Téléchargements
fera-apps-rails 0.1.4
Checkout the Fera Rails App github repo to get started with a beautiful Fera App integr...
1 094 Téléchargements
buildkite-cli 0.1.0
CLI for Buildkite, similar to gh for GitHub
716 Téléchargements
fastlane_pricing_fix 2.212.1
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
613 Téléchargements
ruby_clang_fpe 0.1.0
Format-preserving encryption for Ruby, based on https://github.com/mysto/clang-fpe.
553 Téléchargements
fastlane-security-patched 2.216.0
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
460 Téléchargements