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Runtime :
ancestry 4.3.3
>= 0
carrierwave 0.10.0
~> 0.10.0
elasticsearch-model 0.1.9
~> 0.1.4
elasticsearch-rails 0.1.9
~> 0.1.4
fog 1.20.0
~> 1.20.0
friendly_id 5.0.5
~> 5.0.0
govspeak 10.0.1
>= 0
govuk_frontend_toolkit 9.0.1
>= 0
govuk_template 0.26.0
>= 0
haml-rails 2.1.0
>= 0
jbuilder 2.13.0
~> 2.0
jquery-rails 4.6.0
>= 0
mail 2.8.1
>= 0
mini_magick 5.2.0
>= 0
moj_internal_template 0.1.9
~> 0.1.2
omniauth-gplus 2.0.1
~> 2.0.1
paper_trail 3.0.9
~> 3.0.5
pg 1.5.9
>= 0
rails 4.1.16
~> 4.1.5
recipient_interceptor 0.1.2
~> 0.1.2
sass-rails 4.0.5
~> 4.0.3
select2-rails 4.0.13
>= 0
simple_form 3.1.1
~> 3.1.0.rc1
uglifier 4.2.1
>= 1.3.0
unf 0.2.0
>= 0
unicorn 4.8.3
~> 4.8.3
will_paginate 3.3.1
~> 3.0
Development :
brakeman 7.0.0
>= 0
capybara 3.40.0
>= 0
dotenv-rails 3.1.7
>= 0
factory_girl_rails 4.9.0
>= 0
launchy 3.1.1
>= 0
minitest 5.25.4
>= 0
poltergeist 1.18.1
>= 0
pry 0.15.2
>= 0
pry-rails 0.3.11
>= 0
rspec-mocks 3.13.2
>= 0
rspec-rails 3.0.2
~> 3.0.0
rubocop 0.26.1
~> 0.26.1
rubocop-rspec 3.5.0
>= 0
shoulda-matchers 6.4.0
>= 0
simplecov 0.7.1
~> 0.7.1
simplecov-rcov 0.3.7
>= 0
teaspoon 1.4.0
>= 0