ox 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 ox
imzml 0.1.4
Parser for mass spectrometry imaging standard file format. Gem does not check the valid...
11,742 下载
fruity_builder 1.1.1
iOS code signing utilities - used to replace bundle IDs, development teams and provisio...
11,736 下载
ebay-trader 0.9.8
A lightweight easy to use Ruby gem for interacting with eBay's Trading API. Using i...
10,291 下载
nfse_issnet 0.1.5
Geração e consulta de NFS-e integrado ao sistema ISSNET.
10,235 下载
ofx_ruby 0.0.15
A simple, incomplete OFX gem for Ruby.
10,019 下载
skala 1.1.0
Ruby on Rails based full-stack framework to build discovery solutions for libraries.
9,780 下载
ox-mapper 0.2.0
Create SAX parsers based on `ox` with simple DSL
9,428 下载
gcx_api 0.0.3
Ruby library for the GCX API
9,282 下载
ox-builder 1.0.2
DSL for easily building XML documents using ox
8,943 下载
html_aide 0.3.0
Validate HTML snippets and markup.
8,788 下载
bucket_client 0.1.4
Bucket Client is a ruby gem that allows programmers to interact with popular Blob Stora...
8,782 下载
photoscan_outputs 0.0.3
A Ruby Gem to parse export file formats from Photoscan.
8,560 下载
ivt_mellon_reader 0.5.1
Gem to read all mellon files
8,259 下载
egi-fedcloud-cloudhound 0.0.3
A proof-of-concept utility for locating cloud sites and corresponding CSIRT/CERT contac...
8,133 下载
bovesparb 0.2.1
A Ruby library to query the bovespa stocks.
8,115 下载
xively-rb 0.2.10
A library for communicating with the Xively REST API, parsing and rendering Xively feed...
8,114 下载
prolog-services-markdown_to_html 1.0.3
The Prolog::Services::MarkdownToHtml class converts valid Markdo...
7,882 下载
jabber4r-revive 0.10.0
The purpose of this library is to allow Ruby applications to talk to a Jabber IM syste...
7,562 下载
em-ci 0.0.2
Utility library for monitoring CI servers
7,232 下载
oxmlrpc 0.2
Simple, lightweight and fast XML-RPC client library for ruby based on OX XML parser.
7,190 下载
ib-extensions 1.3.1
Part of IB-Ruby. Tools to to access the tws-api comfortably.
6,910 下载
ileti_merkezi 1.1.0
api.iletimerkezi.com via bulk sms sending, reporting has been prepared to do operations...
6,760 下载
terraform-exporter 0.0.4
Export existing resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate)
6,479 下载
under_fire 0.7.0
An unofficial wrapper for the Gracenote web API
6,296 下载
arwen 0.1.2
Arwen is a basic sitemap parser that auto detects sitemapindex and uses Typheous::Hydra...
6,276 下载
address_validate 0.1.1
AddressValidate is a ruby wrapper for integrating with the USPS address validation api.
6,273 下载
yardi 5.0.1
A ruby client for v4 of Yardi's API
6,126 下载
omniauth-nwbbis 0.1.3
A simple login strategy for OmniAuth to authenticate users against the NWB BIS.
5,963 下载
trann 0.0.2
Transform xml to a csv
5,866 下载
voxml 0.0.2
build voxiplus xml files
5,834 下载