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ox 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 ox

ce-greenbutton 0.1.8

This module allows third-party applications the retrieval of Green Button XML formatted...

24,414 下载

swagalicious 2.0.0

This gem is almost a straight copy and paste of

23,954 下载

endicia_label_server-ruby 0.5.3

Gem for accessing the Endicia Label Server XML API from Ruby

23,884 下载

pcap_tools 0.0.9

Tools for extracting data from pcap files

22,341 下载

dragonfly_harfbuzz 1.1.4

Harfbuzz renderer wrapped by Dragonfly processors.

21,488 下载

czech_post_b2b_client 1.4.0

Accessing B2B API of Czech Post for bulk processing of packages ("B2B - WS PodáníOnline").

21,161 下载

itchy 0.2.8

Handler integrating nifty with vmcatcher (HEPIX)

20,607 下载

catobills 0.6

Wrapper for Cato's Deep Bills API

20,136 下载

horizon_client 0.2.7

Client for Horizon by VISMA accounting REST xml API.

19,376 下载

dynamocli 0.1.9

Utilities for interaction with AWS DynamoDB

17,721 下载

bvbg 0.1.3

Gem for reading Bovespa BVBG files

17,350 下载

adf_builder 0.3.0

Easily create XML in ADF format to send by email.

17,350 下载

soapy_yandex 0.0.6

Client library for Yandex Money.

15,731 下载

openstax_aws 2.1.0

openstax IaC

15,585 下载

open_xml_package 0.1.0

A Ruby implementation of OpenXmlPackage

15,467 下载

mobile_metrics 0.1.0

Mobile logging format library

15,405 下载

damedata_parser_core 0.3.1

Boilerplate code for XML parsers and builders made for

15,026 下载

securetrading 0.4.0

Ruby library for API integration.

14,804 下载

xaiml 0.1.5

xAIML parser library for ruby.

14,455 下载

celsius-primo 0.1.4

Generic primo celsius adapter

14,438 下载

google_analytics_feeds 0.1.2

Fairly low-level client library to access Google Analytics Feeds

14,297 下载

ib-api 972.5.2

Ruby Implementation of the Interactive Brokers TWS API

14,055 下载

abebooks 2.0.1

A Ruby wrapper to the Abebooks SWS API

13,699 下载

trumail 2.1.0

Trumail Ruby SDK for interacting with the Trumail API.

13,303 下载

yandex_client 1.3.1

Allows to use yandex disk as webdav nodes

13,258 下载

real_page 2.3.6

A ruby client for RealPage Exchange

13,106 下载

egi-fedcloud-vmhound 0.0.5

A proof-of-concept utility for locating VM instances in EGI Federated Cloud

12,892 下载

jekyll-autoscout24 0.1.7

A Jekyll plugin to transform AutoScout24's backup XML into a data file

12,453 下载

vantiv_lite 0.1.6

A Simplified Vanitiv/WorldPay (LitleOnline) API Library

12,183 下载

national_rail_wrapper 0.1.6

A wrapper around the National Rail open data API. Including Darwin and Knowledge base

11,968 下载

下载总量 28,307,243

这个版本 196,152




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true

使用多因素验证(MFA)发布的版本: true
