opal 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 opal
opal-pixi 0.3.6
Opal DOM library for pixi
16,781 下载
sottolio 0.2
Engine to make visual novel games to be run inside your web browser.
15,950 下载
glimmer-dsl-web 0.7.0
Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby in the Browser Web Frontend Framework) enables building Web F...
15,319 下载
sandoz 0.1.52
Ruby p5.js wrapper for trippy visuals.
15,133 下载
react.rb 0.3.0
Write reactive UI component with Ruby's elegancy and compiled to run in Javascript.
14,580 下载
stripe-opal 0.0.6
Wrapper around stripe.js to make Opal payments easier
14,287 下载
opal-promise-patch 0.0.2
A new way to write synchronize code with opal promises
14,222 下载
ruta 1.2.3
Front end agnostic router built in opal
13,553 下载
hacker-gems 0.3
Hacker-gems installs most needed gems for hackers.
13,213 下载
opal-drb 0.4.1
A dRuby implementation for Opal which is using WebSocket as Protocol.
12,625 下载
redom 0.1.2
A distributed object based server-centric web framework.
12,522 下载
opal-erb 0.2.0
ERB for Opal
12,383 下载
opal-optimizer 0.1.8
Optimize Opal's resulting javascript code
12,153 下载
opal-async 1.4.1
Provides non-blocking tasks and enumerators for Opal.
12,057 下载
jekyll-opal 0.3.0
Let Jekyll convert your Ruby into JavaScript using Opal.
11,555 下载
opal-irb 0.10.0
Irb and more for Opal
11,401 下载
gamefic-standard 4.0.0
A collection of components for building games and interactive fiction in Gamefic.
11,008 下载
lissio 0.1.0
10,040 下载
three.rb 0.0.3
Three.JS in Ruby for browser-based applications and games.
9,755 下载
hyper-d3 1.0.0.lap28
Write React Components in ruby to show graphics created with D3.js
9,466 下载
opal-bootbox 0.1.3
Opal Ruby wrapper for Bootbox Javascript library.
9,329 下载
rubyneat_dashboard 0.4.1
A web-based Dashboard for your RubyNEAT development, http://localhost:3912
9,271 下载
opal-sid 0.0.4
Hermit jsSID wrapper for opal
8,747 下载
creact 0.1.0
Provides React integration with Cuba
8,187 下载
rubynk 0.0.4
Tiny little wrapper around opal and processing
8,145 下载
opal-highcharts 0.1.3
Ruby wrapper for Highcharts/Highstock JS.
8,135 下载
opal-autoloader 0.1.0
Autoload modules so its not necessary to "require" everything
8,056 下载
opal-shimmer 0.2
An application state and configuration management library built with Opal
7,921 下载
Opal compatible builder library
7,777 下载
opal-ferro 0.11.0
Ferro is a small Ruby library on top of Opal that enables an object-oriented programmin...
7,318 下载