oga 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 oga
carthage_audit 0.1.3
This tool is just a simple checker to see if newer versions of Carthage dependencies us...
15,323 下载
kansou 0.2.2
Kansou is scraping tool for user reviews of smart phone apps
15,018 下载
apullo 0.2.0
A scanner for basic network fingerprints
14,799 下载
resume-stylist 0.2.3
Small framework for making resume themes in liquid and scss.
14,647 下载
lonely_planet_tours 1.1.0
Get listings of tour packages from Lonelyplanet
13,433 下载
arkrb 0.6.0
Gem wrapper for ark-server-tools
12,209 下载
wonko_the_sane 0.1.6
Pre-processing and format-unification of various resources mainly related to Minecraft
12,101 下载
hatenablog_publisher 0.4.1
Gem that posts to the Hatena Blog API and PhotoLife API
12,024 下载
jigsaw-bpa 1.0.4
Provides metrics over given url regarding jigsaw ui composition best practices
11,999 下载
traktor-nml 0.3.1
Parse Native Instruments Traktor's nml playlist file
11,944 下载
slate_algolia 1.1.1
Quickly and easily index Slate Docs in Algolia
10,878 下载
decontaminator 1.0.2
Ruby HTML sanitizer based on a lightweight Oga parser.
10,801 下载
raktojson 0.1.3
Télécom Bretagne restaurant menus parser
10,383 下载
simple_whatweb 0.4.1
Simplified ver. of WhatWeb.
10,295 下载
shack_kit 0.2.2
Set of HAM radio tools, currently limited to SP and SOTA-related stuff
10,196 下载
extcite 0.4.0
Gets DOIS and generates citations for your papers
9,931 下载
vueck 1.0.4
Rack middleware for compiling and serving VueJS single file components
8,791 下载
internode 1.1.0
A ruby client for Internode's API
8,750 下载
ryo 0.3.2
Ryo is a yet another website recon tool.
8,450 下载
supercamp 0.0.3
Simple Interface to the ActiveNetwork Campgound API
7,938 下载
rpath 1.1.0
Query XML with just Ruby
7,839 下载
danger-android_ktlint_detekt 0.0.4
Ktlint and Detekt plugin for Android projects.
7,749 下载
scoverage 0.0.3
Scoverage is a Ruby utility for parsing scoverage.xml from scalac-scoverage-plugin and ...
7,582 下载
fabricate 0.0.1
A gem that uploads dSYM files to fabric. OS-independent and can be used on linux
7,368 下载
hud 2.6.0
Minimalist web framework using HTMX and Rack-app
7,296 下载
ghtrend 0.1.2
GitHub trend page parser.
7,214 下载
carender 1.0.0
A monthly calendar for Rails application.
7,049 下载
paster 0.0.3
universal asynchronous pastebin CLI
6,785 下载
unicoder 1.3.0
Generates specialized indexes for Unicode data lookup
6,242 下载
kcna 0.3.0
A Ruby gem for kcna.kp(KCNA, Korean Central News Agency)
6,077 下载