RubyGems Navigation menu

oauth2 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 oauth2

linkedin-oauth2 1.0.0

Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn OAuth 2.0 API

326,552 下載

linkedin-v2 0.1.9

Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn v2 API

287,809 下載

fitbit_api 1.1.0

A Ruby interface to the Fitbit Web API.

285,878 下載

omniauth-bigcommerce 0.5.0

Official OmniAuth strategy for BigCommerce.

274,721 下載

hyrax 5.0.4

Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...

237,513 下載

myob-api 0.10.6

MYOB AccountRight Live API V2

236,926 下載

sufia 7.4.1

Sufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repo...

211,100 下載

fbgraph 1.10.1

A Gem for Facebook Open Graph API

206,510 下載

egnyte 1.0.0

Ruby client for Egnyte version 1 API

197,212 下載

microsoft_kiota_authentication_oauth 0.8.0

Kiota Authentication implementation with oauth2

188,523 下載

mautic 3.1.0

Rails client for Mautic API. Provide wrapper for push to mautic form

178,499 下載

vkontakte_api 1.4.4

A transparent wrapper for VKontakte API. Supports ruby-way naming of API methods (witho...

166,523 下載

shopapp 0.77.07

Ha! Art thou Bedlam? Dost thou thirst base Trojan, to have me fold up Parca's fatal web...

162,761 下載

omniauth-facebook-access-token 0.1.7

A Facebook using access-token strategy for OmniAuth. Can be used for client side Facebo...

161,213 下載

sufia-models 6.7.0

Models and services for sufia

161,095 下載

openstax_accounts 9.9.0

This gem allows Rails apps to easily access the API's and login infrastructure of OpenS...

158,788 下載

tipalti-ruby 0.6.0

Access the Tipalti REST API via OAuth2.

156,287 下載

ringcentral_sdk 3.1.0

A Ruby SDK for the RingCentral Connect Platform API

154,685 下載

gocardless 1.13.0

A Ruby wrapper for the GoCardless API

154,087 下載

omniauth-linkedin-openid 1.0.2

OmniAuth strategy for LinkedIn using OpenID.

152,667 下載

the_garage 2.8.2

Garage extends your RESTful, Hypermedia APIs as a Platform

148,089 下載

vagrant_cloud 3.1.2

Ruby library for the HashiCorp Vagrant Cloud API

145,450 下載

my_john_deere_api 3.1.0

This gem interacts with the My John Deere API. It handles the hard work of John Deere's...

144,822 下載

naranya_ecm-sdk 0.0.63

Cliente Ruby de NaranyaEcm para aplicaciones cliente.

142,851 下載

cobot_client 5.0.0

Client for the Cobot API plus helpers

132,588 下載

omniauth-chatwork 0.1.3

OmniAuth strategy for ChatWork

130,456 下載

skydrive 1.2.0

Simple ruby client library for Skydrive cloud storage service with OAuth2

122,440 下載

esi 0.4.22

EVE ESI API wrapper

119,395 下載

gecko-ruby 0.12.3

A Ruby interface to the TradeGecko API.

117,080 下載

omniauth-bookingsync 2.0.0

An OmniAuth 1.0 strategy for BookingSync OAuth2 identification.

108,427 下載

總下載次數 208,956,037

這個版本 46,762,258




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.2.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
