mysql 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mysql
gitorious-munin-plugins 0.10.0
A binary that can be used as Munin plugins for a Gitorious server by linking to it unde...
39,982 下载
marc2linkeddata 0.2.1
Utilities for translation of Marc21 records to linked open data.
39,120 下载
analytics 0.1.7
Analytics System
38,865 下载
moose-inventory 1.0.8
The Moosecastle CLI tool for Ansible-compatable dynamic inventory management.
37,477 下载
whurl_engine 2.2.0
Whurl is a mountable engine for Rails 3.1+ apps allowing you to show ...
34,672 下载
rails-dbd-mysql 0.1.0
MySQL DBI DBD, Leverages 'mysql' low-level driver
33,275 下载
soar-registry-directory 7.0.0
Directories for soar registries
31,644 下载
archive_tree 1.0.3
ArchiveTree is a Ruby Gem that makes it easy for you to create beautiful chronological ...
29,889 下载
bio-polymarker_db_batch 0.5.1
Server for polymarker. To be used with cron
27,690 下载
squeezer 0.2.1
an appliaction ready to run
27,413 下载
sql_partitioner 0.6.3
This gem will help setup partitioning on a table, based on its `timestamp` column. ...
27,333 下载
creation_report 0.0.9
Easily generate graphs for ActiveRecord object creation.
26,318 下载
rstore 0.3.9
RStore makes batch processing of csv files a breeze. Automatically fetches data files...
25,882 下载
data_sampler 1.0.0
Ever found yourself wanting a modest amount of fresh rows from a production database fo...
25,700 下载
machinist-caching 0.0.1
Object caching for machinist
25,581 下载
skiima 0.3.5
Skiima helps to manage SQL objects like views and functions
25,472 下载
mysql_health 0.5.7
A service for monitoring MySQL and exposing its health through an HTTP interface for us...
25,418 下载
instructure-marginalia 1.1.6
Attach comments to your ActiveRecord queries.
24,849 下载
sql_tagger 0.1.0
sql_tagger inserts stack trace comments into SQL queries.
22,425 下载
cucumber-wordpress 1.3.1
Environment setup and step definitions for testing WordPress with Cucumber
22,094 下载
icebox 0.0.5
Ruby library and command-line utility for working with Infobright Community Edition
21,840 下载
machineshop 1.1.1
Wraps the machineshop API.
21,690 下载
acts-as-taggable-on-padrino 0.1.2
Padrino version of the popular Rails tagging plugin. With ActsAsTaggableOnPadrino, you ...
21,276 下载
easy_e 0.0.7
Easy EBS snapshots that work
19,336 下载
acts-as-aggregate-root 0.1.1
Automatically manages saving, deletion and validating the object graph
18,708 下载
Sequel storage for ruote (a workflow engine)
18,667 下载
strap 0.0.7
Bootstrap new projects based on a template Git repo
18,378 下载
acts_as_video 0.1.4
Create, Store, and Embed videos from different Oembed host using their url
18,167 下载
large-hadron-migrator 0.2.1
Migrate large tables without downtime by copying to a temporary table in chunks. The ol...
18,128 下载
geokit-premier 0.1.0
Enhanced the google geocoder to take advantage of the premier account offering
17,714 下载