mixlib-cli 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mixlib-cli
gcov2x 0.5.6
gcov2x digests .gcov files generated by llvm-cov and translates them into various commo...
46,848 下载
wicoris-postman 0.13.0
Deliver letters from WiCoRIS
46,164 下载
hubdown 0.0.17
CLI for GitHub Flavored markdown to html convervsion
45,643 下载
calamum 1.2.2
REST API documentation generator
40,494 下载
pylon 0.2.8
leader election with zeromq for ruby using widely available leader election algorithms,...
39,580 下载
wrapp 1.0.0
Wrap an App... in a disk image (DMG)
36,074 下载
volay 2.2.0
Really simple volume system tray written in ruby.
33,391 下载
chef-rundeck 2.2.0
Provides a resource endpoint for RunDeck from a Chef Server
33,117 下载
small_wonder 0.1.10
A Deployment Tool
32,518 下载
instalatron 0.1.8
Tests graphical installers using VirtualBox, keyboard driven input and image recognitio...
32,124 下载
joyent-provisioner 1.2.0
Wrapper gem around provisioning clusters of servers on Joyent cloud
30,603 下载
veslo 0.4.0
Command line utility to manage Noah configurations
30,436 下载
prlbackup 1.3.0
an awesome backup tool for Parallels Server Virtual Machines
28,798 下载
spire_io 1.2.4
The spire_io gem allows you to quickly and easily use the spire.io service using Ruby...
28,231 下载
api_sketch 0.1.9
Gem provides DSL for API documentation generation and API request examples server
27,298 下载
nugget 0.0.11
a http and tcp testing service
26,650 下载
docfu 0.0.8
Utility to simplify creating documentation/books/ebooks/html/etc. Based highly upon the...
24,885 下载
iv-cli 0.0.6
Peer into your cloud infrastructure, using APIs from various providers
22,965 下载
cloudhealth-setup 0.0.16
Configures an Amazon AWS account for use with the CloudHealth service, including creati...
19,426 下载
scli 0.0.8
A command line tool to interface with IBM SmartCloud: create, view & delete instances, ...
18,506 下载
dldinternet-mixlib-cli 0.2.0
A custom CLI mixlib inspired by Chef and Mixlib::CLI
18,110 下载
zabbix_nudge 0.1.9
zabbix_nudge is a gem to collect metrics from different sources, parse zabbix templates...
18,027 下载
foreground 0.1.0
Control daemonizing background processes with launchd.
17,678 下载
depends-client 0.2.0
A simple dependency manager
16,657 下载
nagios-splunk 1.1.3
Splunk monitoring in Nagios
16,270 下载
newrelic-rmq-plugin 0.1.11
NewRelic RabbitMQ Plugin
15,590 下载
azure-credentials 0.1.5
Utility to generate AzureRM credentials files in various formats using Azure AD user cr...
15,393 下载
konstant 0.1.2
Continous delivery made easy.
15,016 下载
zabbix_pusher 0.1.0
zabbix_pusher is a gem to parse zabbix templates and push the data to the corresponding...
14,710 下载
cookbook_creator 0.0.6
This gem is used to generate cookbook skeleton
14,556 下载