less 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 less
groundworkcss-rails 0.2.12
Gem that integrates Sidereel GroundworkCSS into Rails 3+
42,901 下载
rake-pipeline-web-filters 0.7.0
A collection of web filters for rake-pipeline
40,900 下载
spinto 0.2.15
Spinto uses Jekyll and plugins to build static sites, this gem provides the spinto-site...
40,299 下载
waitress-core 0.5.0
Waitress is a lightweight, fast Ruby Web Server with the ability to serve dynamic webpa...
35,634 下载
forma 0.1.10
rich forms for ruby
34,893 下载
stack 0.0.9
Generates a static site from template files with YAML and Liquid. Stack supports templa...
32,364 下载
gearup 0.0.10
Sprockets + Thin to get you going with static content.
32,346 下载
haml_user_tags 0.10.3
Define reusable functions in Haml that can be called with native Haml syntax.
31,632 下载
freerangestylin 0.1.6
Style framework for FreeRange
28,795 下载
mako 1.0.6
Compiles widgets and creates scaffolds for Materia run by Learning Systems and Technolo...
26,402 下载
font-roboto-rails 0.0.3
Just font
25,281 下载
textigniter 0.0.36
Textigniter is a lightweight static site generator based on textile (markdown optional)...
22,766 下载
tilt-pdf 0.10.0
Integrates PDF generation into a Tilt flow
21,455 下载
fewer 0.3.0
Fewer is a Rack endpoint to bundle and cache assets and help you make fewer HTTP reques...
21,247 下载
malt 0.4.0
Malt provides a factory framework for rendering a variety of template and markup docume...
21,108 下载
dima 0.0.6
form builder for active record
20,418 下载
proton 0.3.6
Proton lets you create static websites from a bunch of files written in HAML, Textile, ...
20,393 下载
CirrusKit 0.0.7
A UI and style toolkit for Cirrus-esque apps.
19,888 下载
danmayer-resume 0.0.4
A gem for Dan Mayer's resume
18,146 下载
more 0.1.1
More is a plugin for Ruby on Rails applications. It automatically parses your appli...
16,813 下载
rack-lesscss 0.2.3
Rack middleware for compiling lesscss files into css
15,678 下载
vision 0.0.2
Vision is a Rails Way dashboard, built as a simple alternative to ActiveAdmin.
13,320 下载
skyrocket 0.0.4
An alternative and opinionated static content/ asset management tool that will concaten...
12,189 下载
lte-rails 0.1.0
This gem provides all the assets for Admin LTE for use in a rails project
11,920 下载
geemus-merb-less 0.1.0
Merb plugin for less css
11,546 下载
potion 0.0.5
A static site generator that supports code, photos and files.
11,172 下载
dassets-lessv1 0.3.0
Dassets engine for compiling LESS CSS v1
9,671 下载
laze 0.2.1
Laze is a simple static website generator, inspired by the likes of jekyll, bonsa...
8,639 下载
frontsau 0.0.3
Frontsau brings coffeescript, sass, less to any webapplication without big need of modi...
8,490 下载
sum 0.1.2
A simple budgeting app built on Sinatra
8,230 下载