juwelier 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 juwelier
vertebrae 1.0.5
A set of low level infrastructure and reusable code for building API clients
102,524 下载
letsencrypt-rails-heroku 2.0.3
This gem automatically handles creation, renewal, and applying SSL certificates from Le...
97,489 下载
grade_runner 0.0.13
This gem runs your RSpec test suite and posts the JSON output to grades.firstdraft.com.
87,775 下载
ansible-powerplay 1.4.7
Ansible Powerplay, by way of its DSL, allows you to specify your...
77,423 下载
git-storyid 0.5.2
Helps include pivotal story id and description in commit
76,016 下载
capistrano-pumaio 3.1.6
Capistrano recipes for puma using runit and monit.
74,082 下载
action_kit_rest 0.4.10
Gem for interacting with the ActionKit API
73,106 下载
grifter 0.5.0
convention based approach to interfacing with an HTTP JSON API.
72,214 下载
capistrano-delayed_job 3.1.7
Capistrano recipes for Delayed Job using runit and monit.
68,119 下载
magerecord 0.5.8
A simple ActiveRecord wrapper for various Magento models
64,297 下载
best_practice_project 0.0.12
A bundle of various linters and code inspection tools
58,473 下载
pfab 0.58.14
k8s helper
55,059 下载
slugalicious 2.1.1
Slugalicious adds simple and powerful slugging to your ActiveRecord models.
54,644 下载
find_or_create_on_scopes 1.5.0
Adds methods to ActiveRecord for conditionally finding, creating, or updating records.
52,321 下载
perfect-shape 1.0.8
Perfect Shape is a collection of pure Ruby geometric algorithms that are mostly useful ...
49,035 下载
mac-robot 0.5.5
A Library to Automate User Interactions
46,178 下载
insnergy-api-ruby-client 0.15.7
The ruby gem about In-Snergy Family
44,239 下载
gemfile_updater 0.3.0
Does what it says on the tin.
41,586 下载
has_metadata_column 1.1.7
Reduce your table width and migration overhead by moving non-indexed columns to a separ...
40,882 下载
kamelcase 0.0.2
This is a -- yet another -- super-simple monkeypatch of the String class to offer bot...
38,730 下载
tijuana_client 0.3.1
An API client for the code that runs Getup.org.au
37,110 下载
seed_reaper 0.0.14
Traverses active record relations given a config and writes seeds to a specified location.
36,802 下载
sooth 2.3.2
Sooth is a simple stochastic predictive model.
35,764 下载
twog 0.3.6
Tool to tweet blog posts
35,237 下载
scholarmarkdown 3.3.1
A framework for writing markdown-based scholarly articles.
35,011 下载
tokyo_api 1.9.0
Tokyo is a CRM middleware, this gem helps apps talk to it.
35,004 下载
megahal 2.3.2
Have a weird conversation with a computer.
32,822 下载
punk 0.4.1
Punk! is an omakase web framework for rapid prototyping.
32,148 下载
hashicorptools 2.1.0
Wrappers for terraform and packer
32,004 下载
email_validation 1.2.1
A simple, localizable EachValidator for email address fields in ActiveRecord 3.0.
30,556 下载