RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para hpricot La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren hpricot

gb_mapfish_appserver 2.0.0

Mapfish Appserver is a framework for web mapping applications using OGC standards and t...

89.952 Descargas

brownpapertickets 0.0.21

Brown Paper Tickets API wrapper

89.404 Descargas

bbmb 2.3.3

A Ruby gem for browser based orders of approved medical drugs in Switzerland

82.196 Descargas

AddressBookImporter 0.0.13

The author was too lazy to write a description

81.337 Descargas

rfeedfinder 0.9.13

rFeedFinder uses RSS autodiscovery, Atom autodiscovery, spidering, URL correction, and ...

81.001 Descargas

clevic 0.14.6

SQL table GUI with Qt / Java Swing and Sequel.

78.809 Descargas

rugalytics 0.2.0

Rugalytics is a Ruby API for Google Analytics.

78.767 Descargas

logworm_amqp 0.9.9

logworm - logging service

78.422 Descargas

logworm_amqp 0.9.9

logworm - logging service

78.422 Descargas

i18n-language-translations 0.0.2

The purpose of this gem is to simply provide language translations.

78.056 Descargas

smacks-apricoteatsgorilla 0.5.2

SOAP communication helper.

76.335 Descargas

mofo 0.2.16

mofo is a ruby microformat parser

76.181 Descargas

html_mockup 0.9.0

HTML Mockup is a set of tools to create self-containing HTML mockups.

75.938 Descargas

xmppify 0.0.62

We have extracted out the logic from IdleCampus and built xmppify because I want to hel...

75.649 Descargas

common-pool 0.3.1

Common Pool - Object Pooling

74.321 Descargas

howcast 0.7.15

Howcast offers an Application Programming Interface (API) which allows developers...

73.663 Descargas

serious 0.3.2

Serious is a simple, file-driven blog engine inspired by toto and driven by sinatra wit...

73.157 Descargas

dsander-reve 0.0.139

Reve is a Ruby library to interface with the Eve Online API

72.220 Descargas

muck-invites 3.5.0

The invite engine for the muck system.

71.338 Descargas

hot_or_not 0.2.8

Run this with a new version of your site comparing to current version to verify no brea...

69.710 Descargas

easy_data 1.0.5

Easily publish the linked data data model of your project RoR

67.371 Descargas

tarantula 0.5.1

Tarantula is a big fuzzy spider. It crawls your Rails 2.3 and 3.x applications, fuzzing...

67.318 Descargas

gettc 2.1

Given a TopCoder problem ID, gettc downloads the problem specification, parses the whol...

65.856 Descargas

iciba 0.0.20

iciba wrapper

64.218 Descargas

adam 1.6.0

Adam is a library for all things EVE

63.728 Descargas

fleakr 0.7.1

A small, yet powerful, gem to interface with Flickr photostreams

63.399 Descargas

hpricot_scrub 0.3.10

Scrub HTML with Hpricot like you would with perl HTML:Scrubber

63.228 Descargas

reve 0.1.3

Reve is a Ruby library to interface with the Eve Online API

62.119 Descargas

rockstar 0.8.1

This gem is an updated version of jnunemakers scrobbler gem. Rockstar uses v2.0 of the ...

59.539 Descargas

eaal 0.1.16

EAAL (Eve API Access Layer) is a ruby library for accessing data of the API of the game...

59.131 Descargas

Total de descargas 14.358.775

Para esta versión 12.128.844

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
