guardの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はguardを必要としています
adparlor-facebook 0.8.2
The adparlor-facebook gem is a ruby library for interacting with the Facebook ads API. ...
33,090 ダウンロード数
guard-phpcs 0.0.7
Guard::PHPCS automatically runs PHP Code Sniffer when watched files are modified.
33,052 ダウンロード数
the86-client 1.3.2
Client for The 86 conversation API server
32,804 ダウンロード数
constantinople 0.2.2
Supports defaults, over-rides, and environments
32,692 ダウンロード数
musical 1.0.7
musical is a simple tool for your favorite DVD. You can rip vob file by DVD chapter, co...
32,645 ダウンロード数
rounders 0.7.3
bot-ish pluggable incoming mail processing framework
32,613 ダウンロード数
rack-crud 0.1.4
CRUD operations for a rack app.
32,612 ダウンロード数
vendor 0.1.6
Dependency management for iOS and OSX development
32,580 ダウンロード数
data-table 2.0.3
data-table is a simple gem that provides a DSL for turning an array...
32,568 ダウンロード数
her-kaminari 0.0.4
Makes Her aware of APIs that return pagination headers.
32,565 ダウンロード数
active_pubsub 0.0.9
Uses RabbitMQ and ActiveRecord for publishing and consuming model events from any service
32,547 ダウンロード数
social_snippet 0.0.14
A snippet manager to share and use snippet library for the online judges; Google Code J...
32,412 ダウンロード数
metanorma-jis 0.5.2
metanorma-jis lets you write JIS standards in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active d...
32,376 ダウンロード数
guard-lono 1.0.1
Guard::Lono automatically builds cloud formation templates from lono erb templates.
32,337 ダウンロード数
nib 2.1.1
nib is a docker-compose wrapper geared towards Ruby/Rails development.
32,301 ダウンロード数
icinga2 1.0.0
An enhanced ruby gem to communicate with Icinga2 API.It's allowed create small applicat...
32,274 ダウンロード数
active_fedora-crosswalks 0.0.7
Enables metadata crosswalking between ActiveFedora datastreams.
32,270 ダウンロード数
guard-cloudformation 0.0.3
Guard::Cloudformation automatically validates cloud formation templates.
32,256 ダウンロード数
asciidoctor-csd 0.4.6
asciidoctor-csd lets you write CSD in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active development.
32,171 ダウンロード数
notion_ruby_mapping 0.8.9
Mapping tool from Notion Database/Page/Block to Ruby Objects.
32,147 ダウンロード数
jekyllpress 1.3.0
Thor utility to do neat jekyll stuff.
32,139 ダウンロード数
grape-apiary 1.0.0
Auto generates an Apiary ( Blueprint from the docuementation that ...
32,089 ダウンロード数
testr 14.3.0
Continuous testing tool for Ruby
32,042 ダウンロード数
guard-flog 0.0.4
Guard::Flog automatically run flog.
31,982 ダウンロード数
ozy 0.1.4
Ozymandias (or "Ozy" for short) allows you to use a Hash normally, but to have its chan...
31,975 ダウンロード数
yq 0.5.0
This unceremoniously shells out to a jq available in $PATH. Please make sure jq is in...
31,886 ダウンロード数
pups 1.2.1
Simple docker image creator
31,838 ダウンロード数
teamspeak-ruby 1.2.1
Ruby interface for TeamSpeak 3's server query api.
31,827 ダウンロード数
wcc-api 0.6.0
Holds common code used in our applications that host APIs and those that consume them.
31,778 ダウンロード数
zack 0.3.4
Ruby RPC calls via Cod
31,764 ダウンロード数