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Dependencias inversas para google-protobuf La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren google-protobuf

sass-embedded 1.85.1

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

17.438.000 Descargas

sass-embedded 1.85.1

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

17.438.000 Descargas

sass-embedded 1.85.1

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

17.438.000 Descargas

sass-embedded 1.85.1

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

17.438.000 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kinesis 3.5.0

Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.

13.964.212 Descargas

google-cloud-common 1.7.0

Common protocol buffer types used by Google Cloud APIs

10.243.723 Descargas

google-ads-googleads 32.0.0

google-ads-googleads is a Google Ads API client library for Ruby

7.752.476 Descargas

fluent-plugin-google-cloud 0.13.3

Fluentd plugins for the Stackdriver Logging API, which will make logs viewable in th...

4.776.914 Descargas

apollo-federation 3.10.0

A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation

3.899.453 Descargas

anycable-core 1.5.2

AnyCable core RPC implementation not depenending on a particular server type (e.g., gRP...

3.365.946 Descargas

logstash-codec-protobuf 1.3.0

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

2.585.493 Descargas

gitlab-pg_query 2.0.4

Parses SQL queries using a copy of the PostgreSQL server query parser

2.305.927 Descargas

newrelic-infinite_tracing 9.17.0

The New Relic Ruby agent requires the gem newrelic_rpm, and it includes distributed tra...

2.062.487 Descargas

rspec-protobuf 0.3.1

RSpec matchers for Protobuf

1.140.916 Descargas

app-info 3.3.0

Teardown tool for ipa, apk, aab, hap mobile files and Windows, macOS and dSYM file, eve...

278.647 Descargas

protip 0.38.0

Resources backed by protobuf messages

199.512 Descargas

grpc_newrelic_interceptor 0.0.6

An interceptor for using New Relic with gRPC.

185.176 Descargas

yoti 1.10.0

This gem contains the tools you need to quickly integrate your Ruby back-end with Y...

182.858 Descargas

grpc_access_logging_interceptor 0.0.6

An interceptor for access logging with gRPC.

162.174 Descargas

rubypitaya 3.19.6

RubyPitaya is an application to create servers using the pitaya protocol.

153.529 Descargas

fmparser 0.1.0

FieldMask parameter parser

148.929 Descargas

the_pb 0.0.2

Utility for Google Protocol Buffers.

147.323 Descargas

grpc_kit 0.5.1

A kit for creating gRPC server/client

133.873 Descargas

livekit-server-sdk 0.8.3

LiveKit Server SDK for Ruby

132.622 Descargas

nats-streaming 0.2.2

Ruby client for the NATS Streaming messaging system.

129.630 Descargas

prefab-cloud-ruby 1.8.8

Feature Flags, Live Config, and Dynamic Log Levels as a service

125.124 Descargas

selfsdk 0.0.225

joinself sdk

115.221 Descargas

field_masked_model 0.4.0

FieldMaskedModel provides masked accessor methods to models

107.965 Descargas

gcr 1.0.3

GRPC test helpers

100.385 Descargas

optics-agent 0.5.5

An Agent for Apollo Optics,

95.299 Descargas

Total de descargas 321.236.224

Para esta versión 7.472

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0
