Dependencias inversas para flog La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren flog
hoboken 0.10.0
Sinatra project generator.
13.951 Descargas
Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task
13.572 Descargas
gtdlint 0.5
See for example usage
13.549 Descargas
sixarm_ruby_range_parse 2.0.0
Range.parse method to convert text to a Range object
13.533 Descargas
line-detector 0.5
See for example usage
13.375 Descargas
sixarm_ruby_pro_logger 3.0.0
Logs more information than the typical Ruby logger.
13.273 Descargas
sixarm_ruby_math_statistics 2.0.0
Math statitics methods for sum, mean, median, mode, variance, deviation, etc.
13.178 Descargas
sixarm_ruby_array_slice 3.0.0
Provide Array #slice_by_share, #slice_by_size
12.806 Descargas
sixarm_ruby_person_name 2.0.0
PersonName methods to calculate a person's full name, list name, initials, etc.
12.713 Descargas
fanswatch 0.1.4
Extracts feed, postings, and attachments from FB fans pages
12.436 Descargas
Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task
12.255 Descargas
getclonedata 0.3.2
Extracts repository code quality
12.187 Descargas
nielsm-metric_fu 1.3.1
Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task
12.055 Descargas
vcdetect 0.5
See for example usage
12.053 Descargas
codescout-analyzer 0.0.4
No description for now, maybe later
12.027 Descargas
share_learning 0.2.6
Extracts course's titles, descriptions, images and links from Coursera and Udacity. And...
11.864 Descargas
rubycritic-simplecov 4.1.1
RubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit...
11.656 Descargas
code_metric_fu 4.14.4
Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...
11.411 Descargas
crypt_ident 0.2.7
Authentication module using BCrypt; initially Hanami-specific.
11.118 Descargas
csvconv 0.0.2
CSV converter to JSON, YAML, LTSV
11.101 Descargas
higo 0.0.8
Configuration management gem.
11.066 Descargas
client_pages 0.0.5
With client_pages you can separate your content from html markup and css styles. us...
10.716 Descargas
sixarm_ruby_date_stamp 2.0.0
Date.stamp method for RFC ISO date stamp
10.688 Descargas
sears-api 0.3.0
just your basic wrapper'
10.282 Descargas
sixarm_ruby_blob 2.0.0
Keep track of data as a file, or URI, with basic upload etc.
10.241 Descargas
reviewer 0.1.5
Provides a unified approach to managing automated code quality tools.
10.061 Descargas
async_service 0.1.5
The gem provides an abstraction for asynchronous workers that poll data from a queue an...
9.901 Descargas
tweetsearch 0.1.4
Extracts tweets
9.747 Descargas
ramper 0.0.4
Ramp Up!
9.680 Descargas
sixarm_ruby_hash_more 2.0.0
HashMore class to create a recursive hash
9.628 Descargas