RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para execjs La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren execjs

vk_music 4.1.6

A library to work with audios on popular Russian social network

65.838 Descargas

isomorfeus-speednode 0.7.1

A fast ExecJS runtime based on nodejs, tuned for Isomorfeus.

61.331 Descargas

shared_mustache 1.0.1

Share mustache between Rails templates and the browser (using compiled hogan.js templat...

59.278 Descargas

snabberb 1.5.4

Snabberb is a minimalistic Opal view framework based on Snabbdom. You can write efficie...

58.704 Descargas

bpm 1.0.0

Browser Package Manager

57.674 Descargas

templebars 0.5.0

This gem provides Handlebars magic for your Rails 3 application.

57.333 Descargas

lanes 0.8.3

Lanes is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...

56.625 Descargas

bwoken 2.0.0

iOS UIAutomation Test Runner

53.613 Descargas

comunika_gsm 0.1.28

Comunication of with GSM modem

52.949 Descargas


Use ExecJS to write your views in JavaScript.

51.444 Descargas

bank_scrap 0.0.19

WARNING: This gem has been deprecated and has been replaced by 'bankscrap' (without und...

47.691 Descargas

optimize-js 1.0.3

optimize-js makes JavaScript scripts initialize faster. This gem provides Ruby and Rail...

47.156 Descargas

js-asset_paths 0.4.5

Access paths to compiled assets from in javascript.

46.082 Descargas

reins 0.1.3

Reins is a ruby gem that automates the creation of javascript controllers that match th...

45.114 Descargas

bullring 0.8.4

Safely run untrusted Javascript from Ruby

43.814 Descargas

js_render 0.7.0

Render JavaScript components on the server side with Ruby.

43.311 Descargas


Gemified AdminLTE, with SASS and RTL support for Rails.

42.896 Descargas

groundworkcss-rails 0.2.12

Gem that integrates Sidereel GroundworkCSS into Rails 3+

42.852 Descargas

sprockets-dotjs 3.1.0

Compile dot.js template into javascript

42.467 Descargas

bip44 0.2.18

A ruby library to generate Ethereum addresses from a hierarchical deterministic wallet ...

41.251 Descargas

execjs-fastnode 0.2.1

An ExecJS node runtime which uses pipes to avoid repeated startup costs

40.989 Descargas


Compresses CSS.

40.195 Descargas

yavdb 0.7.0

Yet Another Vulnerability Database The Free and Open Source vulnerability database.

39.849 Descargas

eastwood 0.5.1

Start your client side out right

38.147 Descargas

es6_module_transpiler-rails 0.4.0

Compile ES6 modules in the asset pipeline

36.472 Descargas

react-jsx-sprockets 0.2.4

Use compiled React JSX files with Sprockets

36.016 Descargas

scholarmarkdown 3.3.1

A framework for writing markdown-based scholarly articles.

34.911 Descargas

jekyll-katex 1.0.0

Adds a liquid tag you can use to do server-side rendering of latex math using KaTeX

34.221 Descargas

ember_script 0.0.5

Provides a ruby interface to EmberScript

31.690 Descargas

riot_js-rails 0.7.1

This gem provides integration of Muut Riot with Rails

31.320 Descargas

Total de descargas 350.151.627

Para esta versión 3.189.164

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
