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exception_notification 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 exception_notification

gitlab_exception_notification 1.2.0

Automatically create, open and updates Gitlab issues on rails exceptions.

11,728 下載

rdcms 1.0.28

This is the Basic Module of Rdcms. It Offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an Article-Module, a ...

9,183 下載

exception_notification-td 0.1.0

Send exception info to TreasureData

8,795 下載

exception_notification_moderate 0.0.3

When system raises same errors in short time, it blocks second and later notifications

8,765 下載


Core functionality for BarkerEST web apps.

8,725 下載

invalid_authenticity_token_rescue 0.1.3

Rails 5 default protect_from_forgery is to raise an exception. Some browsers trigger th...

7,919 下載

exception_notification_telegram 0.2.0

Telegram notifier for exception notification gem

6,942 下載

qywechat-notifier 0.4.0

qywechat exception notifier

6,717 下載

exception_notification-fluent_logger_notifier 0.1.0

A custom notifier for ExceptionNotification which notifies exceptions to Fluentd via fl...

6,604 下載

exception_notification-pushbullet 0.1.1

Exception notification for Pushbullet

6,561 下載

dunlop 0.1.0

Organize business processes, do data analysis and guard your goals

6,112 下載

talk-notifier 1.0.1

Notify exceptions using Talk.

5,434 下載

skip-exception-notifying 0.1.0

Adds `skip_notifying!` method to exceptions, which disables exception_notifier for it

3,715 下載

simple_email_exception_notifier 0.0.1

Plugin for exception_notification that can be used outside Rails, i.e. with Grape. As o...

3,545 下載

fail_safe 0.0.3

Track your app's bugs and exceptions.

3,333 下載

graylog_exception_notifier 0.1

Use exception_notification to send rails exceptions to graylog2.

3,268 下載

translation_cms 0.1.5

Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)

2,165 下載

exception_notification-lark-notifier 1.0.2

Lark notifier for exception notification gem.

1,688 下載

spree_cm_commissioner 1.8.0

Add (optional) extension description here

896 下載

總下載次數 19,738,828

這個版本 4,265,021




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.8.11
