dry-monads 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 dry-monads
pg_objects 1.4.0
Simple manager for PostgreSQL objects like triggers and functions
39,119 下載
hanikamu-service 0.1.5
This is the base service for all pattern designs used in hanikamu design
36,188 下載
dry-transaction-extra 0.1.1
Dry::Transaction comes with a limited set of steps. This gem defines a few more steps...
34,820 下載
flows 0.6.0
Ruby framework for building your Business Logic Layer inside Rails and other frameworks.
34,048 下載
web_pipe 0.16.0
Rack application builder through a pipe of operations on an immutable struct.
33,207 下載
hydra-keycloak-client 0.1.19
Keycloak client for SSO
31,167 下載
redress 1.0.1
Build maintainable Ruby apps
29,507 下載
evil_events 0.5.0
Ultra simple, but very flexible and fully customizable event subsystem for ruby applica...
26,180 下載
pipeable 1.2.0
A domain specific language for building functionally composable steps.
22,243 下載
dry-operation 1.0.0
A domain specific language for composable business transaction workflows.
21,927 下載
hanamismith 1.4.0
A command line interface for smithing Hanami projects.
21,205 下載
fast_cqrs 0.2.0
Write CQRS applications easily using functional endpoints without a hassle.
20,858 下載
chroma-db 0.8.2
Chroma is the open-source embedding database. Chroma makes it easy to build LLM apps by...
16,920 下載
etcher 3.1.0
A monadic configuration loader, transformer, and validator.
16,683 下載
pwush 0.4.0
Pushwoosh remote API ruby toolkit
16,088 下載
datacite 0.4.0
See https://support.datacite.org/docs/api
15,907 下載
lalka 1.0.0
Task monad
15,714 下載
game_validator 0.6.1
Validator for turn based games
15,708 下載
postmen 1.0.3
Developed for easy integration with Postmen
15,367 下載
tapioca-compilers-dry_struct 0.0.3
Tapioca's custom DSL compiler for dry-struct
14,556 下載
folio_client 0.18.0
This provides API interaction with the Folio ILS API
13,981 下載
minos 0.4.0
Easy and repeatable Kubernetes deployment based on Docker images
13,164 下載
sample_data_dump_postgres_data_store 0.0.5
Data storage for `sample_data_dump` gem - PostgreSQL
13,125 下載
foucault_http 0.5.2
Http Network Functions.
12,905 下載
operations 0.7.2
Operations framework
12,540 下載
sample_data_dump_aws_s3_compressed_dump_storage 0.0.4
Compressed dump storage for `sample_data_dump` gem - AWS S3
11,601 下載
ghub 0.23.0
A monadic GitHub API client.
11,595 下載
datacaster 4.2.0
Run-time type checker and transformer for Ruby
11,539 下載
sample_data_dump 0.0.4
Generic sample data dump utility
11,474 下載
kanji-web 0.3.1
A strongly Typed GraphQL API
11,359 下載