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Runtime :
active_attr 0.17.1
>= 0
active-fedora 9.13.0
~> 9.9
active_fedora-noid 1.1.3
~> 1.0
blacklight 6.25.0
~> 6.1
blacklight_advanced_search 6.4.1
~> 6.0
breadcrumbs_on_rails 2.3.1
~> 2.3
deprecation 0.99.0
~> 0.1
hydra-editor 1.2.0
~> 1.1
hydra-head 9.10.0
~> 9.9
hydra-works 0.17.0
>= 0.8.1, ~> 0.8
jquery-ui-rails 7.0.0
>= 0
kaminari_route_prefix 0.0.2
~> 0.0.1
qa 0.11.1
~> 0.5
rails_autolink 1.1.8
>= 0
rdf 1.99.1
~> 1.99
rdf-vocab 0.8.8
~> 0
redlock 0.1.8
~> 0.1.2
resque 1.27.4
~> 1.23
resque-pool 0.7.1
~> 0.3
simple_form 3.5.1
~> 3.1
solrizer 3.4.1
~> 3.4
sprockets-es6 0.9.2
>= 0
Development :
bundler 1.17.3
~> 1.6
capybara 2.18.0
~> 2.5
database_cleaner 1.0.1
< 1.1.0
devise 3.5.10
~> 3.0
engine_cart 0.10.0
~> 0.8
factory_girl 4.9.0
>= 0
fcrepo_wrapper 0.9.0
~> 0.1
jasmine 3.99.0
>= 0
mida 0.3.9
~> 0.3.4
poltergeist 1.18.1
>= 1.5.0
rake 13.2.1
>= 0
rspec-activemodel-mocks 1.2.1
~> 1.0
rspec-html-matchers 0.10.0
>= 0
rspec-its 2.0.0
>= 0
rspec-rails 7.1.0
>= 0
rubocop 0.93.1
~> 0.39
rubocop-rspec 1.4.1
~> 1.4.1
solr_wrapper 0.23.0
~> 0.4
sqlite3 2.4.1
>= 0