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cucumber 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 cucumber

tddium 1.25.5

Solano CI runs your test suite simply and quickly in our managed cloud environment. Yo...

541,270 下載

tlb-cucumber 0.3.3

TLB-Ruby component that provides support for load balancing tests written using cucumbe...

536,636 下載

cuke_slicer 3.0.0

Slices a Cucumber test suite into the smallest possible executable pieces (i.e. scenari...

531,088 下載

testcentricity_web 4.6.0

The TestCentricity™ For Web core framework for desktop and mobile web browser-based app...

517,075 下載

conjur-api 6.0.0

Conjur API

510,736 下載

stack_master 2.16.0

StackMaster is a sure-footed way of creating, updating and keeping track of Amazon (AWS...

488,648 下載

cukeforker 2.1.1

Library to maintain a forking queue of Cucumber processes, with optional VNC displays.

487,689 下載

cuke_linter 1.3.0

This gem provides linters for detecting common 'smells' in `.feature` files. In additio...

485,686 下載

muck-engine 3.5.0

The base engine for the muck system. Contains common tables, custom for, css and javas...

466,329 下載

zendesk_apps_tools 3.9.2

Tools to help you develop Zendesk Apps.

461,827 下載

earth 1.2.1

An earth-simulation environment with ActiveRecord models and data

454,129 下載

saucy 0.16.1

Clearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and...

430,963 下載

gir_ffi 0.18.0

GirFFI creates bindings for GObject-based libraries at runtime based on introspection d...

417,678 下載

frameworks-capybara 2.3.1

Gem to ease the pain of managing capybara driver config and provide a home for common u...

417,069 下載

newgem 1.5.3

Quickly bundle any Ruby libraries into a RubyGem and share it with the world, your coll...

405,229 下載

ds-gui-automation 0.3.0

DS Services testing Gem

373,311 下載

beetle 3.5.7

A highly available, reliable messaging infrastructure

371,578 下載

conjur-debify 3.0.2

Utility commands to build and package Conjur services as Debian packages

371,500 下載

adhearsion 2.6.4

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

366,941 下載

bashcov 3.1.3

Code coverage tool for Bash

359,689 下載

jekyll-data 1.1.1

A plugin to read '_config.yml' and data files within Jekyll theme-gems

345,788 下載

frank-cucumber 1.2.5

Use cucumber to test native iOS apps via Frank

341,537 下載

tailor 1.4.1

tailor parses Ruby files and measures them with some style and static analysis "rulers"...

340,755 下載

dwc-archive 1.1.9

Darwin Core Archive is the current standard exchange format for GLobal Names Architectu...

339,368 下載

solano 1.31.11

Predix CI runs your test suite simply and quickly in our managed cloud environment. Yo...

338,044 下載

action_kit_api 0.4.8

Provides encapsulated object access through the ActionKit API.

332,032 下載

flights_gui_henry_tests 3.0.7

test automatizado para el proyecto flights gui

326,257 下載

tn_s3_file_uploader 0.1.15

Amazon S3 file uploader that can build folder structures based on timestamp. Typically ...

325,721 下載

sniff 1.1.1

Provides development and test environment for Brighter Planet's impact model libraries.

324,987 下載

nexus_cli 4.1.1

A command-line wrapper for making REST calls to Sonatype Nexus.

318,205 下載

總下載次數 83,800,675

這個版本 638,038




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 3.0.1
