RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para codecov La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren codecov

rudder-sdk-ruby 3.1.1

The Rudder ruby analytics library

535.561 Descargas

graphite-api 1.1.1

Graphite API - A Simple ruby client, aggregator daemon and API tools

523.351 Descargas

clocale 0.0.4

A Ruby gem that wraps C locale functions.

497.014 Descargas

sym 3.0.2

Sym is a ruby library (gem) that offers both the command line interface (CLI) and a s...

491.969 Descargas

calendly 0.14.0

Client for accessing Calendly APIs

491.696 Descargas

flutter_analyze_parser 0.1.2

Parser for flutter analyze output

367.790 Descargas

module_methods 0.1.0

Extendable module for modules with instance and class methods. These modules can be inc...

365.781 Descargas

r18n-desktop 5.0.1

A i18n tool to translate your desktop application in several languages. It is just ...

362.358 Descargas

danger-flutter_lint 1.0.1

A Danger Plugin to lint dart files using flutter analyze command line interface.

351.968 Descargas

sinatra-r18n 5.0.2

A Sinatra extension that provides i18n support to translate your web application. I...

350.992 Descargas

puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.1 0.5.3

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

299.965 Descargas

omniauth-zoom 1.1.0

OmniAuth strategy for

283.022 Descargas

fastlane-plugin-flutter 0.8.0

Flutter actions plugin for Fastlane

276.681 Descargas

roo_on_rails 2.2.2

Scaffolding for building services

257.931 Descargas

ordinare 0.4.0

Ordinare sorts gems in your Gemfile alphabetically

248.888 Descargas

openstudio-standards 0.7.1

The openstudio-standards library provides methods for programatically generating, modif...

247.104 Descargas

cosmos 5.0.5

Ball Aerospace COSMOS provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and...

245.233 Descargas

activeadmin_latlng 1.5.0

Small Active Admin plugin for setting up latitude and longitude.

222.134 Descargas

total 0.4.1

Get total memory size of the system

220.733 Descargas

serrano 1.4

Low Level Ruby Client for the Crossref Search API

220.321 Descargas

rspec-command 1.0.3

An RSpec helper module for testing command-line tools.

206.056 Descargas

configcat 8.0.1

Feature Flags created by developers for developers with ❤️. ConfigCat lets you manage f...

205.353 Descargas

wrata_api 1.1.0

Wrapper around wrata API

174.824 Descargas

r18n-rails-api 5.0.0

R18n backend for Rails I18n and R18n filters and loader to support Rails translatio...

171.006 Descargas

serverspec-extended-types 0.1.1

This gem provides some purpose-specific types for ServerSpec 2.x beyond the default one...

166.492 Descargas

r18n-rails 5.0.0

Out-of-box R18n support for Ruby on Rails. It is just a wrapper for R18n Rails API ...

163.288 Descargas

skunk 0.5.3

Knows how to calculate the SkunkScore for a set of Ruby modules

159.942 Descargas

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.4 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

156.810 Descargas

bundle_outdated_formatter 0.7.0

BundleOutdatedFormatter is a command-line tool to format output of `bundle outdated`

153.303 Descargas

vorpal 1.5.0

An ORM framelet that fits on top of ActiveRecord to give you 'Data Mapper' semantics.

135.475 Descargas

Total de descargas 22.729.422

Para esta versión 2.628.213

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4, < 4
