berkshelfの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はberkshelfを必要としています
chef-tlc-workflow 0.3.0
Chef Workflow based on the idea of Top-Level Cookbooks
21,045 ダウンロード数
berkshelf-solo 0.0.6
Makes Berkshelf more friendly to chef-solo by generating chef-solo folder layout
20,764 ダウンロード数
berks2env 0.3.1
Convert a Berkshelf Lockfile to a Chef Environment json
20,244 ダウンロード数
hazetug 0.1.7
Provisions and bootstraps nodes using knife
18,874 ダウンロード数
berkshelf-shims 0.2.0
Shim functionality for Berkshelf
17,490 ダウンロード数
cocina 0.3.1
Test Kitchen with Dependencies
17,278 ダウンロード数
from-scratch 0.7.0
Makes all the stuff usually you or your DevOps does before first deploy
16,541 ダウンロード数
kitchen-environment 0.1.5
Adds all cookbook dependencies of an environment cookbook.
16,092 ダウンロード数
chef-berksfile-env 1.5.0
Chef-Berksfile-Env ================== A Chef plugin which allows you to lock down your...
16,057 ダウンロード数
vagrant-application-cookbooks 0.1.4
Deploy Chef "Application Cookbooks" directly from a Git repository
15,130 ダウンロード数
kitchen-chef_zero_berks_env 1.2.0
Plugin for test-kitchen that extends the chef_zero provisioner allowing berkshelf to ...
15,088 ダウンロード数
cookbook_creator 0.0.6
This gem is used to generate cookbook skeleton
14,527 ダウンロード数
labs-deployer 0.0.7
Thor tasks to package chef solo cookbooks
13,803 ダウンロード数
rs_vagrant_shim 0.2.0
Allows RightScale ServerTemplate development to be performed primarily within Vagrant
12,219 ダウンロード数
chef-taste 1.1.1
This gem checks if updated versions of dependent cookbooks are available for the cookbook
11,688 ダウンロード数
berkshelf-bzr 1.0.0
A Berkshelf plugin that adds support for downloading Chef cookbooks from Bazaar locations.
10,518 ダウンロード数
berkshelf-notifiers-datadog 0.1.1
Wrap Berkshelf & send a Datadog event when uploading a cookbook.
10,231 ダウンロード数
inception-server 0.3.0
Create an inception server for Bosh & general inception of new universes
9,831 ダウンロード数
berks-monolith 0.1.2
Tools for working with cookbooks as if they were inside a monolithic repository
9,502 ダウンロード数
fry-cook 0.3.0
Not quite a chef yet, the fry cook knows only one menu.
8,995 ダウンロード数
chef-berks 0.0.1
Allows chef-client/solo to grab cookbooks on the fly using berkshelf
8,873 ダウンロード数
guard-berkshelf 0.2.2
A simple guard plugin to update Berkshelf.
8,208 ダウンロード数
chef_sous_vide 0.2.0
SousVide is a Chef Handler who will precisely track a converge process of your recipes ...
7,992 ダウンロード数
chef-skel 0.1.1
Skeleton for a testable Chef cookbook
7,620 ダウンロード数
jackchop 0.2.0
Rally's gem for cookbook development
7,471 ダウンロード数
chef-raketasks 0.5.0
Provides a central repository of the most essential tasks
7,249 ダウンロード数
pagerduty-pd_sync 0.1.3
A knife plugin to support the PagerDuty Chef workflow
7,217 ダウンロード数
knife-packager 0.1.3
Knife pluging to deploy cookbooks to S3
6,944 ダウンロード数
head_chef 0.1.1
Head Chef is a Chef workflow CLI built on Berkshelf
6,629 ダウンロード数
hetzner-docker 0.0.2
Configures and installs docker to Hetzner server in\ default bo...
6,056 ダウンロード数