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aws-sdk-ec2 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-ec2

cfndk 0.1.3

cfndk is AWS Cloud Formation Development Kit

23,936 下载

aws_public_ips 1.0.7

A library/cli to fetch all public IP addresses associated with an AWS account

22,853 下载

infopark-aws_utils 1.0.1

A utility lib to ease the use of the AWS SDK

22,693 下载

rebi 0.4.3

Deploy ElasticBeanstalk with multiple deploy, switchable and dynamic generated ebextens...

21,591 下载

capistrano-asg-rolling 0.5.1

Capistrano plugin for performing rolling updates to AWS Auto Scaling Groups using Insta...

20,387 下载

vaws 0.8.3

The vaws command simplifies the display of AWS resources.

19,207 下载

ecs_cmd 0.2.0


18,318 下载

iapi-idlc-sdk-deploy 1.0.11

Provides deploy libraries for idlc-sdk. This gem is part of the IDLC SDK

17,377 下载

ecs_deploy_cli 0.5.1

Declare your cluster structure in a ECSFile and use the CLI to run deploys and monitor ...

15,598 下载

openstax_aws 2.1.0

openstax IaC

15,567 下载

aws-ssh 1.3.0

A tool that makes easy to ssh into AWS EC2 servers

14,844 下载

banacle 0.2.4

Create or delete DENY NACL entries on AWS VPC as ChatOps (Slack Slash Command)

13,866 下载

specinfra-ec2_metadata-tags 0.0.5

Specinfra extention to get ec2 tags.

13,189 下载

capistrano-aws-hosts 0.1.3

Provide access to AWS EC2 inventory for deploy host targets

12,942 下载

traceroute53 0.1.6

A tool to investigate Route53, ELB, EC2 and Security Groups

11,902 下载

aell 0.3.0

Run commands on multiple servers in your AWS Infrastructure

11,520 下载

ec2 0.0.6

Integrates ec2 resources with salt

10,566 下载

cognito-sync-service 1.1.0

With this gem you can implement: CRUD functionality from you application, synchronize y...

10,525 下载

aws_instance_list 1.3.3

The target is get the instance lists of AWS accounts. Return array of data.

10,107 下载

ec2-tracer 0.2.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

10,066 下载

awshark 1.6.0

Custom CLI for for AWS to simplify common tasks with EC2, S3 and Cloud Formation

9,546 下载

itamae-spec 0.0.6

Customized version of Itamae. Integration with Serverspec. It can be provisioning using...

9,471 下载

asg-detailer 0.3.0

Produce details of an existing infrastructure built with typical ASG & ELB setup.

9,375 下载

aws_ami_cleanup 1.1

Script for deleting obsolete AMIs

7,016 下载

hocho-ec2 1.0.0

Hocho gem plugin to discover hosts in EC2

6,158 下载

asg-rebooter 0.0.3

See summary.

6,063 下载

xssh-aws 0.1.2

cross ssh client

4,511 下载

balancer 0.2.0

Balancer tool

4,511 下载

sty 0.0.3

Command line tools

3,847 下载

capistrano3-asg-deploy 1.0.2

Get all instances in an AutoScaling group by AutoScaling group name.

3,633 下载

下载总量 205,596,654

这个版本 5,880




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
