activesupport 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 activesupport
A Language Server Protocol SDK
108,626,846 下載
cocoapods-core 1.16.2
The CocoaPods-Core gem provides support to work with the models of CocoaPods. It is i...
102,839,663 下載
countries 7.1.1
All sorts of useful information about every country packaged as pretty little country o...
98,936,293 下載
rails-deprecated_sanitizer 1.0.4
Deprecated sanitizer API extracted from Action View.
97,674,354 下載
yajl-ruby 1.4.3
Ruby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library.
89,162,843 下載
ransack 4.3.0
Ransack is the successor to the MetaSearch gem. It improves and expands upon MetaSearch...
87,248,434 下載
webpacker 5.4.4
Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
86,060,486 下載
treetop 1.6.14
A Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) Parser generator DSL for Ruby
85,886,875 下載
redis-activesupport 5.3.0
Redis store for ActiveSupport
83,826,785 下載
json-jwt 1.16.7
JSON Web Token and its family (JSON Web Signature, JSON Web Encryption and JSON Web Key...
81,568,395 下載
activeresource 6.1.4
REST on Rails. Wrap your RESTful web app with Ruby classes and work with them like Acti...
81,276,257 下載
database_cleaner-core 2.0.1
Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing.
77,645,329 下載
paperclip 6.1.0
Easy upload management for ActiveRecord
77,376,616 下載
pundit 2.5.0
Object oriented authorization for Rails applications
77,236,784 下載
graphql-client 0.25.0
A Ruby library for declaring, composing and executing GraphQL queries
72,172,805 下載
spring-watcher-listen 2.1.0
Makes spring watch files using the listen gem.
71,689,213 下載
case_transform 0.2
Extraction of the key_transform abilities of ActiveModelSerializers
71,543,170 下載
activemodel-serializers-xml 1.0.3
XML serialization for your Active Model objects and Active Record models - extracted fr...
71,210,652 下載
ruby-kafka 1.5.0
A client library for the Kafka distributed commit log.
70,258,118 下載
grape 2.3.0
A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions.
69,595,325 下載
factory_girl 4.9.0
factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using ...
67,385,807 下載
bootstrap-sass 3.4.1
bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3, ready to drop right into your ...
66,755,240 下載
rack-oauth2 2.2.1
OAuth 2.0 Server & Client Library. Both Bearer token type are supported.
65,175,974 下載
elasticsearch-model 8.0.0
ActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch.
64,882,459 下載
wicked_pdf 2.8.2
Wicked PDF uses the shell utility wkhtmltopdf to serve a PDF file to a user from HTML. ...
64,778,968 下載
icalendar 2.10.3
Implements the iCalendar specification (RFC-5545) in Ruby. This allows for the generat...
61,577,087 下載
terrapin 1.0.1
Run shell commands safely, even with user-supplied values
60,535,768 下載
swd 2.0.3
SWD (Simple Web Discovery) Client Library
56,399,302 下載
webfinger 2.1.3
Ruby WebFinger client library
56,205,745 下載
font-awesome-rails provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engin...
55,370,378 下載