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Dépendances inversées pour activerecord Latest version of the following gems require activerecord

jsonb_accessor 1.4

Adds typed jsonb backed fields to your ActiveRecord models.

17 988 902 Téléchargements

activerecord-postgis-adapter 11.0.0

ActiveRecord connection adapter for PostGIS. It is based on the stock PostgreSQL adapte...

17 877 901 Téléchargements

prometheus_exporter 2.2.0

Prometheus metric collector and exporter for Ruby

17 081 552 Téléchargements

actionpack-action_caching 1.2.2

Action caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)

16 912 262 Téléchargements

test_after_commit 1.2.2

makes after_commit callbacks testable in Rails 3+ with transactional_fixtures

16 753 683 Téléchargements

phony_rails 0.15.0

This Gem adds useful methods to your Rails app to validate, display and save phone numb...

15 183 470 Téléchargements

jsonapi-serializer 2.2.0

Fast, simple and easy to use JSON:API serialization library (also known as fast_jsonapi).

15 126 975 Téléchargements

kt-paperclip 7.2.2

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

14 275 545 Téléchargements

counter_culture 3.8.2

counter_culture provides turbo-charged counter caches that are kept up-to-date not just...

14 078 802 Téléchargements

counter_culture 3.8.2

counter_culture provides turbo-charged counter caches that are kept up-to-date not just...

14 078 802 Téléchargements

makara 0.5.1

Read-write split your DB yo

14 050 946 Téléchargements

neighbor 0.5.2

Nearest neighbor search for Rails

13 796 759 Téléchargements

ar_transaction_changes 1.1.9

Solves the problem of trying to get all the changes to an object during a transaction i...

13 618 345 Téléchargements

pghero 3.6.1

A performance dashboard for Postgres

13 600 671 Téléchargements

fast_jsonapi 1.5

JSON API( serializer that works with rails and can be used to serialize any...

13 504 101 Téléchargements

redis-objects 1.7.0

Map Redis types directly to Ruby objects. Works with any class or ORM.

13 326 900 Téléchargements

activerecord-deprecated_finders 1.0.4

Deprecated finder APIs extracted from Active Record.

13 181 021 Téléchargements

shrine 3.6.0

Shrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications. It supports uploading, d...

12 499 643 Téléchargements

protected_attributes 1.1.4

Protect attributes from mass assignment

12 248 517 Téléchargements

globalize 7.0.0

Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.

12 166 820 Téléchargements

authlogic 6.4.3

An unobtrusive ruby authentication library based on ActiveRecord.

11 337 302 Téléchargements

public_activity 3.0.1

Easy activity tracking for your ActiveRecord models. Provides Activity model with detai...

10 997 742 Téléchargements

roxml 4.2.0

ROXML is a Ruby library designed to make it easier for Ruby developers to work with XML...

10 614 138 Téléchargements

nilify_blanks 1.4.0

Often times you'll end up with empty strings where you really want nil at the database ...

9 953 760 Téléchargements

ranked-model 0.4.11

ranked-model is a modern row sorting library built for Rails 4.2+. It uses ARel aggress...

9 129 801 Téléchargements

sinatra-activerecord 2.0.28

Extends Sinatra with ActiveRecord helpers.

9 093 612 Téléchargements

devise-async 1.0.0

Devise Async provides an easy way to configure Devise to send its emails asynchronously...

8 812 971 Téléchargements

acts_as_tree 2.9.1

A gem that adds simple support for organizing ActiveRecord models into parent–children ...

8 812 577 Téléchargements

distribute_reads 0.5.0

Scale database reads with replicas in Rails

8 757 588 Téléchargements

email_address 0.2.5

The EmailAddress Gem to work with and validate email addresses.

8 742 495 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 629 130 697

Pour cette version 71 285

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 3.2.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
