activejob 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 activejob
postmark_mailer 0.1.3
Designed to mimic ActionMailer's familiar interface, this gem offers a way to send tran...
3,900 下載
evey 0.2.0
Simple event sourcing.
3,892 下載
active_job_store 0.5.0
ActiveJob Store permits to store jobs state and custom data on a database
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ductr 0.2.3
A data pipeline and ETL framework for ruby.
3,461 下載
active_job_lock 0.1.0
An ActiveJob plugin. Adds locking, with optional timeout/deadlock handling. Using a ...
3,442 下載
delayed_job_bulk 1.1.1
Bulk insert many jobs at once for delayed_job
3,385 下載
paper_plane 0.1.1
A featherweight library for multi thread message deliveries.
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inst_data_shipper 0.2.6
Gem for uploading app data to Instructure CustomDev Hosted Data tooling
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sidekiq-serialized_current_attributes 0.1.3
Serialize CurrentAttributes for Sidekiq
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async_task 0.0.1
Lightweight, asynchronous, and database-backed execution of singleton methods.
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rails-fast-cache 1.1.0
Drop-in improvement for Rails cache
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servitium 1.3.1
An implementation of the command pattern for Ruby
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cronitor_activejob 0.1.0
Instrument ActiveJob jobs with Cronitor to monitor lifecycle events around the perform ...
2,495 下載
dynomatic 0.1.0
Gem to autoscale Heroku worker dynos based on number of pending jobs
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A simple way to perform long running LLM background jobs and streaming responses
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jobify 0.3.0
Turn any method into a background job (`jobify :hello_world` generates `def perform_hel...
2,301 下載
rescue_like_a_pro 1.0.1
RescueLikeAPro rethinks ActiveJob's exception handling system to improve usage with cla...
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mail_delivery_task 0.0.1
Async email delivery
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rails_test 4.2.0.beta1
Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust...
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any_logger 0.2.2
A DSL for simplifying modification of Rails ActiveSupport Instrumentation API
1,943 下載
active_resourceable 0.0.2
A tiny framework built on top of Rails in order to help developers focus on writing imp...
1,791 下載
async_active_job 0.1.0
Multi-fiber, Postgres-based, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails
1,696 下載
dipa 0.1.0.pre.3
This gem provides an API for parallel processing like the parallel gem but distributed ...
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super_spreader 0.2.1
Provides tools for managing resource-efficient backfills of large datasets via ActiveJob
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harpiya_core 4.3.0.alpha
The bare bones necessary for Harpiya.
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exekutor 0.1.2
PostgreSQL backed active job adapter which uses `LISTEN/NOTIFY` to listen for jobs and ...
1,440 下載
action_short_message 0.1.0
Refenrence dballona/action_short_message. SMS/Text Messages gem, just like ActionShortM...
1,367 下載
chaotic_job 0.3.0
Test ActiveJobs for reliability and resilience.
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data-migration 1.3.0
Data migrations kit for ActiveRecord and ActiveJob
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hearthside-mentionable 0.2.0
Webmention sending and receiving for Rails projects.
1,117 下載