activejob 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 activejob
litestream 0.12.0
Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.
52,339 下載
aws-activejob-sqs 1.0.1
Amazon Simple Queue Service as an ActiveJob adapter
51,216 下載
mote_sms 2.0.0
Unofficial ruby adapter for Swisscom and MobileTechnics Bulk SMS APIs. ...
50,894 下載
activejob-google_cloud_pubsub 0.7.1
Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter and worker for ActiveJob
50,393 下載
sidekiq_job_controller 0.1.3
Sidekiq middleware that allows for immediate control over job processing in Sidekiq, pr...
50,034 下載
say_when 2.2.2
Scheduling system for programmatically defined and stored jobs.
44,359 下載
kicks 3.2.0
Fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
42,259 下載
fleiss 0.5.1
Run background jobs with your favourite stack.
40,938 下載
state_machine_job 3.2.0
State Machine + Active Job
39,988 下載
skiplock 1.1.8
High performance ActiveJob Queue Adapter for PostgreSQL that provides maximum reliabili...
37,666 下載
rukawa 0.9.2
Hyper simple job workflow engine
36,625 下載
activejob-argument_mask 0.1.0
This is ActiveJob extension wich mask arguments of specified Job from ActiveJob's log.
36,008 下載
litestack 0.4.4
A SQLite based, lightning fast, super efficient and dead simple to setup and use databa...
35,712 下載
activejob-google_cloud_tasks 0.1.8
Google Cloud Tasks adapter for ActiveJob
35,543 下載
activejob_delayed_execution 1.0.2
active_job_delayed_execution provides very simple delayed behavior for Ruby.
34,823 下載
pult 0.0.21
Universal API service for manage applications and system tasks localy or remotely
32,227 下載
bulk-processor 0.8.0
Bulk upload data in a file (e.g. CSV), process in the background, then send a success o...
32,118 下載
audited_async 0.2.2
Execute audited asynchronously with ActiveJob.
31,280 下載
ladder 0.4.0
Dynamic framework for Linked Data modelling, persistence, and full-text indexing.
30,632 下載
batch_processor 0.4.2
Define your collection, job, and callbacks all in one clear and concise object
28,660 下載
command_proposal 1.0.19
Rather than creating rake tasks, which have to go through CI/CD, then some deploy proce...
28,516 下載
pushing 0.2.0
Pushing is like ActionMailer, but for sending push notifications.
27,397 下載
sidekiq-global_id 0.2.0
Provides Sidekiq middleware to serialize ActiveRecord objects with GlobalId
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zaikio-webhooks 0.2.0
Handle incoming Zaikio loom webhooks
25,723 下載
hutch-schedule 0.7.3
Add Schedule and Error Retry To Hutch.
25,522 下載
activejob-retriable 5.0.4
Retry failed jobs with an exponential back-off. This gem aims to mimic most of the func...
24,573 下載
active_job-performs 0.3.2
ActiveJob::Performs adds the `performs` macro to set up jobs by convention.
24,285 下載
zaikio-loom 1.4.0
The Zaikio Loom Ruby Gem simplifies publishing events on the Zaikio Loom event system.
23,395 下載
sportweb 0.3.3
sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool
23,206 下載
solidus_core_devise_token_auth 2.8.0.alpha.14
Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project (devise_token...
20,537 下載