Dépendances inversées pour actionmailer Latest version of the following gems require actionmailer
chimpster-rails 0.1.3
Use this plugin in your rails applications to send emails through the SES/MailChimp API
16 816 Téléchargements
pousse 0.0.6
Add Realtime to your application
16 793 Téléchargements
has_web_fallback 0.2.0
Adds the commonly required behaviour of caching web accessible versions of HTML emails ...
16 707 Téléchargements
log_master 0.2.0
Creates and emails a simple report for a set of log (or text) files. Useful for aggreta...
16 640 Téléchargements
contactology-mailer 0.0.4
Using the contactology gem, this library provides a Contactology::Mailer to provide sim...
16 510 Téléchargements
resque_action_mailer_backend 0.0.3
With this gem you will be able to enqueue your emails on your Resque workers to a...
16 170 Téléchargements
opticon 0.0.4
Peace of mind through automated monitoring of your HTTP services.
16 023 Téléchargements
createsend-rails 0.4.2
Campaign Monitor transactional email adapter for ActionMailer
15 483 Téléchargements
action-gmailer 0.1.0
ActionGmailer, oauth/gmail delivery method
15 186 Téléchargements
sms_safe 1.0.2
SmsSafe provides a safety net while you're developing an application that uses ActionTe...
15 000 Téléchargements
action_mailer-enqueable 2.0.0
Serialize and enqueue deliveries for existing mailers
14 981 Téléchargements
markcatley-exception_notification 1.0.20080910
[Rails] The Exception Notifier plugin provides a mailer object and a default set oftemp...
14 928 Téléchargements
postmaster_general 0.1.3
Logs emails delivered for easy reference
14 912 Téléchargements
email_spectacular 1.2.1
Expressive email assertions that let you succinctly describe when emails should and sho...
14 544 Téléchargements
wakame-dolphin 0.0.5
notification service
14 286 Téléchargements
rake_mailer 1.0.5
This can be used by rake task as a simple report generation tool.
14 096 Téléchargements
dj_mailer 0.0.3
send automatically all emails via delayed_job
14 085 Téléchargements
grimen-delayed_job_mailer 0.1.3
Send emails asynchronously using delayed_job.
13 523 Téléchargements
mailluloid 0.0.4
Async mailer without any painful setup
13 452 Téléchargements
active_job-disable 0.3.0
An ActiveJob queue adapter that disables delayed job.
13 036 Téléchargements
Daemon for sending out messages/emails via a RESTful API.
12 761 Téléchargements
sidekiq_send_mail 0.1.4
Render mail, serialize it and then send it to a Sidekiq queue for dispatch by a backgro...
12 634 Téléchargements
letter_stamp_mail_delivery 1.0.1
Mail delivery method to save delivered mails with filenames that allows us to easily re...
12 499 Téléchargements
activejob-scheduler 0.0.1
A scheduling apparatus for ActiveJob based on Rufus. Resque::Scheduler for everyone!
12 179 Téléchargements
exjournal 0.2.0
Exchange journalling wraps emails as a MIME attachment of a journal message. This extra...
12 164 Téléchargements
xing-cap_gun 0.3.2
Super simple capistrano deployment notifications. Forked from relevance/cap_gun.
12 102 Téléchargements
simpleemail 1.0.2
This package simplifies sending emails outside of the Rails environment. It is a wrapp...
12 035 Téléchargements
anhpham 0.1.4
Behavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test script to testing o...
12 022 Téléchargements
email_blacklist 0.1.1
Blacklist particular email addresses so ActionMailer doesn't deliver emails to them.
11 604 Téléchargements
fusionary-mail_logger 0.1.5
Braindead-simple email logger for ActionMailer using ActiveRecord
11 591 Téléchargements