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Dependencias inversas para actionmailer La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren actionmailer

peng 0.1.3

Allow to send email with Mustache templates

7.853 Descargas

notes-structured-text-json-messages 0.1.4

parses lotus notes structured text exports, producing a json message file for each each...

7.766 Descargas

marketingcloud-mailer 0.3.0

Depends on the 'mail' gem, sends emails through Salesforce Marketingcloud, previously k...

7.667 Descargas

hubspot-mailer 0.0.2

Create beautiful transactional emails right within HubSpot using the email editor with ...

7.656 Descargas

actionmailer-sandbox 0.1.1

In a test environment , you are forced to change the destination of the ActionMailer.

7.592 Descargas

kulesa-sidekiq 1.2.3

Simple, efficient message processing for Ruby

7.556 Descargas

rbs_heuristic_prototype 0.7.0

Update prototype signature files by heuristic rules

7.408 Descargas

sendln 0.0.3

Based on the ideas of having a quick place to dump email/ideas on from Pragmatic Thinki...

7.367 Descargas

simple-notifier 0.1.1

Inspired by ActionMailer, Notifier offers Notifier::Base, a base class for creating not...

7.334 Descargas

activenotifier 0.0.3

Simplifies sending notifications to your end users through multiple channels

7.319 Descargas

mail_defender 0.1.0

Intercepts and forwards emails.

7.235 Descargas

qu_mailer 0.2.0

QuMailer is a Rails plugin for delivering email asynchronously from ActionMailer via th...

7.053 Descargas

resque_delivery 0.0.2

With ResqueDelivery, you can send ActionMailer messages asynchronously with Resque.

6.804 Descargas

mail_assertions 0.1.1

Minitest asserts for checking that specific emails were (or were not) sent.

6.651 Descargas

capistrano3-notifier 0.5.1

Simple notification hooks for Capistrano3

6.447 Descargas

yandex_mail 0.0.2

Send emails using a given Yandex email account. Only username/passwords needed.

6.436 Descargas

am-sendgrid 0.1.0

Makes it easy to call the sendgrid SMTP api from ActionMailer

6.411 Descargas

authorails 1.0.0

AuthoRails is a framework for generating authorizations,tables,relations,scaffolds and ...

6.217 Descargas

mailgun-api-rails 0.1.2

Mailgun API adapter for Action Mailer

6.144 Descargas

db_mailer_rails 0.1.2

This gem allows you to store mail templates in the database.

6.100 Descargas

deliver_later_matchers 0.1.2

RSpec matchers for testing that ActionMailers deliver_later

6.048 Descargas

bmpercy-exception_notification 2.0.5

Allows customization of: * Specify which level of notification you would like with an a...

6.027 Descargas

mailsocio_rails 0.0.5

# Mailsocio Rails Плагин к ActionMailer для использования mailsocio для отправки элект...

5.980 Descargas

alert_machine 0.0.1

Make sure you get mailed when bad things happen to your server.

5.818 Descargas

mandrails 1.0.0

Provides a delivery method implementation for ActionMailer and mail which uses the Mand...

5.777 Descargas

rspec-mailer_matcher 0.1.1

Rspec macther for ActionMailer

5.592 Descargas

action_mailer_provider 0.1.1

Action Mailer configuration helper

5.514 Descargas

erails 2.1.2

Enhanced Rails is a framework for building web-application template and javascript agno...

5.464 Descargas

actionmailer-deliver_later 0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5.311 Descargas

edavis10-cerberus 0.7.8

Cerberus is a Continuous Integration software for Ruby projects. CI helps you keep your...

5.298 Descargas

Total de descargas 579.964.521

Para esta versión 104.246

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.2.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
