Dependencias inversas para actionmailer La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren actionmailer
litmus_mailer 0.3.0
Litmus Mailer adds an ActionMailer observer to update your Litmus tests each time an em...
10.921 Descargas
qc-mailer 0.0.3
Rails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and QueueClassic.
10.787 Descargas
perens-instant-user 0.0.3
An engine that implements user and login handling instantly for an application. It uses...
10.649 Descargas
inquiries 0.0.3
Extracted from the refinerycms-inquiries gem. Records inquiries in the DB and sends not...
10.362 Descargas
canonical-email 1.0.1
canonical-email lets you substitute the To, CC, and/or BCC email destinations with one ...
10.361 Descargas
bundle_notification 0.2.2
Bundle many ActionMailer messages for the same recipient into a single email
10.136 Descargas
action_mailer_x509 0.7.2
This Rails gem allows you to send X509 signed and\or crypted mails.
10.099 Descargas
bitlove-resque_mailer 2.0.4
Rails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and Resque
9.745 Descargas
bitlove-resque_mailer 2.0.4
Rails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and Resque
9.745 Descargas
actionmailer-maildir 0.0.1
Uses the maildir gem to store ActionMailer deliveries.
9.725 Descargas
legacy_mailers 0.1.1
Brings back the legacy ActionMailer 2.3 API to ActionMailer 3.x
9.679 Descargas
sendcloud_rails 0.0.4
An adapter for using Sendcloud with Rails and Action Mailer
9.549 Descargas
holy_cow 0.0.3
holy_cow "I can't believe it's this easy to get notification about what's happening in ...
9.542 Descargas
mjml-premailer 0.0.3
This gem will processes html part of your mail using `mjml` cli before delivery using r...
9.492 Descargas
capistrano-mailnote 0.1.2
A gem for Capistrano email release note.
9.489 Descargas
actionmailer-localized_preview 0.0.2
Extends ActionMailer::Preview to allow email previews in all available locales
9.414 Descargas
io_mailer 0.0.3
IOMailer is a simple script for executing commands and shell scripts, collecting their ...
9.300 Descargas
pigeons 0.0.1pre3
Pigeons makes it a breeze to send your users lifecycle e-mails.
9.295 Descargas
sendcloud-mailer 0.2.0
An Action Mailer delivery method for SendCloud email service.
9.185 Descargas
delivery_matchers 0.1.1
RSpec custom matchers for ActionMailer's deliver_later
9.038 Descargas
rails_product 0.6
A "Productized Rails Application" is a single generic application having a hi...
8.940 Descargas
actionmailer-textgiri 0.2.1
Automatically insert a text/plain part into your HTML multipart e-mails using Nokogiri ...
8.939 Descargas
jwulff-actionmailer_multiple_smtp 1.0.1
8.483 Descargas
brief_mail 0.0.3
BriefMail sends you and your team mates a deployment summary after deploying with capis...
8.482 Descargas
backburner_mailer 0.1.0
Plugin for sending asynchronous email with Backburner
8.469 Descargas
mail-mad_mimi 1.1.0
A Mad Mimi delivery method for the Ruby Mail library, with Rails 3 support.
8.444 Descargas
konsierge-smtp-mailer 0.2.2
Sends emails through a remote DTLBOX smtp-server by https.
8.333 Descargas
whotowho 0.2.0
WhoToWho is a simple script to define a name randomly in list of name. And send this na...
8.286 Descargas
tender_summary 1.2.0
A simple tool to email your pending Tender discussions
8.086 Descargas
que_mailer 0.0.2
Asynchronous mail delivery using que
7.984 Descargas