Dependencias inversas para actionmailer La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren actionmailer
mailee 0.6.3
Permite sincronizar automaticamente seus modelos com o, inclusive com gerenci...
49.591 Descargas
libcraigscrape 1.1.1
An easy library to do the heavy lifting between you and Craigslist‘s posting database. ...
48.007 Descargas
runtimeerror_notifier 0.0.27
This gem installs the agent of to your application. It handles uncaugh...
47.682 Descargas
awesomemailer 0.2.4
AwesomeMailer embeds your e-mail CSS inline, allowing you to write e-mail templates wit...
46.600 Descargas
actionmailer-html2text 0.2.0
Automatically add plain text parts into HTML emails sent by ActionMailer.
45.915 Descargas
brightbytes-sendgrid 0.1.7
Gem to extend ActionMailer with SMTP API support
44.839 Descargas
premailer-rails-revived 1.12.0
This gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails withou...
44.684 Descargas
mailer_preview_request_model 1.2.0
gem to patch Rails untill PR 20646 is merged ...
44.462 Descargas
dojo-rails 0.14.0
Create web applications using Dojo Toolkit (1.8) and Ruby on Rails 3
43.835 Descargas
email_test_helpers 0.3.4
EmailTestHelpers are a collection of lightweight helpers designed for acceptance tests....
43.479 Descargas
flowmailer_rails 0.4.0
Send ActionMailer messages with the Flowmailer API
42.227 Descargas
actionmailer-instyle 0.5.3
Easily create HTML emails in Rails ~>3.1
40.017 Descargas
resque_mail_queue 0.4.0
Simple asynchronous emails with Resque
39.931 Descargas
ruby-mailchimp 0.5.1
Allows programmatic subscription and unsubscription to MailChimp. Requires MailChimp a...
37.338 Descargas
feedbacker 0.2.2
Feedbacker provides a pull out tab on the side of every page on a site for users to sen...
37.061 Descargas
mail_style 0.1.6
Making HTML emails a little less painful. Writes css inline and corrects image urls.
36.587 Descargas
actionframework 0.3.0
A web framework built on top of Rack, it has the simplicity of sinatra and the structur...
36.222 Descargas
email_campaign 0.1.10
See README for details.
36.174 Descargas
micro_q 0.9.6
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
35.566 Descargas
angie-core-api 0.8.0
Nomadix CoreAPI Ruby gem
35.402 Descargas
whitelist_mail_proxy 0.5.0
A thin proxy for Mail and ActionMailer to enable whitelisting
35.172 Descargas
presenter_rails 3.0.0
Presenter helps you expose view models to your views with a declarative approach.
34.572 Descargas
simply_notify 0.4.1
Delivers notifications by email to website users
34.474 Descargas
kuztuscms 0.0.10
KuztusCMS for rails >= 3.1
33.674 Descargas
google_analytics_mailer 0.3.0
This gem add google analytics campaign tags to every link in your action mailer
31.972 Descargas
buffered_job 0.5.0
Buffering jobs for a certain period and invoke specific method if two or more similer j...
31.901 Descargas
mail-redirector 0.0.1
Protect yourself for ever accidentally sendmail emails from an environment other than p...
31.695 Descargas
An easy library to do the heavy lifting between you and Craigslist‘s posting database. ...
31.256 Descargas
snowman-io 0.5.1
SnowmanIO - your personal assistent
29.519 Descargas
bundler_audit_notifier 0.4.13
bundler_audit_notifier is a ruby gem that will automatically scan source code for ruby ...
29.305 Descargas